Gained one pound?

This is my second week on MFP. My first week weigh in, I had lost 3lbs and today was my second week weigh in and I had gained 1 pound. I am so upset. I take this whole overweight thing so personal and feel very disappointed in myself however I did not go over on my calories and worked out 4 times last week. What did I do wrong?


  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Could be water weight if you're nearing your TOM.
  • Your body is adapting to a new lifestyle, weird things happen! Are you eating healthy foods, not just fewer calories? Check your sodium and make sure you're drinking plenty of water. The first few pounds you lose are usually a lot of excess water weight, so perhaps you gained some back, as opposed to fat. Might even be a bit of muscle mixed in there :D

    don't get discouraged. You know as well as I that it takes work and perseverance to make a change, once you get into a rhythm you'll do just fine :D
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I agree it's most likely water-- try to look at it this way: you've only been here 2 weeks and you've lost 2 lbs. That's really good, especially since you only have 20 lbs to lose or so. Realize that this change isn't going to happen overnight, it takes patience. Many people are here for a month before they see much change at all. Healthy weight loss generally happens at a rate or no more than 2 lbs per week, and for those of us closer to our goal weights it's usually less than that. I'm set on .5 lbs per week now because I'm getting toward the end. Keep it up and it'll happen for you. :)
  • bigloser85_2012
    bigloser85_2012 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey girl!! Your weight can flucuate from day to day anyway. You might could weigh again tomorrow and get a different result by a pound or two.'re doing that work out and it will build muscle. You are beautiful. Don't get discouraged. You CAN do this even if it's a little at a time. You didn't gain it won't go away overnight. Keep up the hard work!! :flowerforyou: