My Journey

Sometimes I feel like I never fully disclose anything. About what all has happened in my life that has impacted this journey I am on now. Or what roads I've been down - and where I have come from.

Because right now I find myself struggling a little - I thought it was time to put it down and document my journey so far. To share with my MFP friends and family - and as a reminder to myself of how far I have come. I need a refresher right now.

I've always been a chubby girl. Not fat. But in High School..when you are a size 14...16 - well - you might as well be Jabba the Hut. In retrospect - I say I was a little pudgy. Go back in time and ask 16 year old Amy - she'd say she was a big fat giant whale of a beast. I thought I was HUGE. But I never really did anything about it. I was still pretty popular. Always the funny girl - to make up for not being the skinny girl.

In college I gained some weight. I don't remember the details....I don't even know what I weighed year by year. But when I was 21 - my first big heartbreak came. My reaction - I need to lose weight. Maybe I thought my relationship ended because I was fat? I don't know. I don't recall having that thought - but I remember I went on my first "diet" ever. I started somewhere around 260 lbs. It was the last semester of my senior year. By the time I graduated - I had lost 50 lbs. I was probably close to my High School weight - but this time I had a new perspective. I felt hot. I was confident. And it showed - and I got lots of attention. I didn't intend to stop that weight loss journey there. But right after college I met my (now ex) husband. That relationship spelled disaster for my weight loss. We ate out EVERY day. He was a big guy. By the time we got married in 2003 (2 years later) - I was up to 270 lbs. I'll admit - it was a delicious couple of years. ;)

About 5 seconds after my marriage I got pregnant with my first daughter. Free reign to eat everything in sight right? I was well over 300 when I gave birth to her. And sure - I lost a little when I gave birth - but the next year after she was born I began to emotionally eat. Before now - a lot of my eating was just excess - glutany - good times. This is when I first recall eating as a coping mechanism. And boy was I good at it. By Spring 2006 I was weighing in at 320 lbs.

In May 2006 I decided to have Gastric Bypass. It's like my dirty little secret. I think I can count my friends on 1 hand who even know I had it in my past. Certainly never breathed a word of it here on MFP. In the first 6 months after the bypass I lost 100 lbs. I was back to 220 and feeling GOOD. OK - let me clarify quickly - I'm 5'11". So 220 may not be THIN - or even NORMAL - but I have an inflated sense of self confidence and I thought I was hot stuff and had the attitude to match.

Again - I didn't intend for this weight loss journey to end after 6 short months. Surely the effects of a major weight loss surgery should last longer then 6 months? Right? Well - in January 2007 I got sick. No - not the flu. I found out I had a brain tumor. Right. A brain tumor. That sucks right? Not just your regular run-of-the-mill good times brain tumor either. One that was basically engufling my whole pituitary gland and the tumor itself secretes extra human growth hormone. Giving me a condition called Acromegaly. I completely gave up on any fight I had left from my from the Gastric Bypass. Aside from having major vitamin deficits now - I have negated all benefits of the procedure. And again - coped with food.

Over the next 4 years I battled this tumor. I had surgery to remove the majority of it. And several radiation treatments to destroy what remains. But it's still there. Little nasty tumor. And it still secretes gobs and gobs of HGH. Making my ability to lose weight - one of the biggest uphill struggles. It's nearly impossible. My body loves to get bigger...and bigger....and bigger.

Squeeze in there in 2009 - I decided to have another baby. A medical miracle in itself. Ok - not a miracle - since it took a slew of Drs to get that thing brewing inside me. But I had to go off all my Acromegaly meds.

Then - in 2011 - my marriage fell apart. My emotional state was already in turmoil from the struggles of the previous years - so my marriage was nothing that you'd want to use as an example. But my husband stepped out on our marriage - and I had no tolerance for it. And said good-bye. When this happened I was 277.8. I was a HOT *kitten* MESS. I was depressed - from the ****ty marriage - to the new baby - to medical nightmares. Food was the best coping mechanism.

That's where my MFP journey began. A little over 1 year ago I decided to change my life. A fresh start. A chance to be the best mother I could be. And to overcome all the adversity I had faced. I lost 50 lbs in my first year of this war. Yeah - it wasn't all smooth sailing. I lost a few battles here and there. Had a few slips. But I'm totally going to come out on top in the end. I still have another 50 lbs to lose. It may take me longer than most with the challenges I have - but I'm not giving up. I've never been committed for so long to weight loss. A full year. And I look back at all of the times I slipped and re-gained - and the fact that I still found the strength to come back is something. And I keep going. And I am seriously happier then I EVER remember being.


  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    Holy crap that was long. If you read that all - I'll kiss you.
  • LuneBleu85
    You owe me a kiss! :P
    That was such an inspiring story, I know you can do whatever you set your mind to :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Given that you're nearly half way to goal, you know what to do.
    1 year from now, come back to these words a winner who punched through these challenges.
    And add the final chapter:flowerforyou:
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    tha is just an amazing story!!!! I literally have goosebumps!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! You are very inspiring, and you are on the right track. Great commitment!
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    You owe me a kiss! :P
    That was such an inspiring story, I know you can do whatever you set your mind to :)

  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I read the whole thing. You are an AMAZING woman. I am very proud of you for getting on track with your life. For leaving your husband when he stepped out. For having your children, battling a brain tumor and still wanting to get your life back on track.

    You're Amazing.

    We all have a long winding journey for why we are readjusting our lives to make us happy. Mine is just as long full of emotional land mines too.
  • alarmmanIII
    Amy you are awesome!!! Keep working at it girl and you will get to your goal in no time... good luck to you :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Holy crap that was long. If you read that all - I'll kiss you.

    I skimmed it. Does that count?

    From what I did have the patience to read, you are an amazing woman! About halfway through it, I was about to suggest a counselor, but I got all the way through it and I'm really proud of you!!!!

    It is amazing how our lives affect our health. It is also amazing to hear how others perceive themselves along the way.
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    I skimmed it. Does that count?

    I spose you earned at least a wink?? Deal? :wink:
  • luvmybaby333
    Thank you so much for sharing. You're inspiring, to say the least. ♥
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: That is one of the most inspiring storys I have read in awhile. You are Wonder Woman!!!
    :wink: I accept kisses if you are still handing them out, LOL!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. You're inspiring, to say the least. ♥

    ^---very well said! thank you so much for sharing, and yes if you have overcome all of that, you can def do this! stay strong and good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Wow!!!....I read your whole story and you are truly an inspiration to all of us!! I am so sorry for all you have been through but you have conquered and come out on top so far and I know that you can do AND accomplish anything and everything that you take on!!! I am pretty close to you geographically and would love to be your friend if you would like. Hang in there are well on your way to success!!!

  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I read it all. You are an amazing woman/mother.