Do you consume all of your allotted calories?



  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    not to be a post thief but I was wondering.... so many people are split about weather to eat their exercise calories back or not. For those people who do eat them back how many extra calories are you burning a day with exercise? 500 - 1000? For those of you who don't eat them back or only eat some back, are you burning about this many calories or you burning less? Just a thought.......
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I do my best to actually hit my calorie goal for the day, or at least pretty close to it. I try not to be more than 200 below when I've exercised. Some days I'm just not as hungry, and on those days I try to eat things that are more calorie dense like peanut butter so I don't over eat to reach my calories. I have replaced my chips and stuff with more fruit and veggies, but I've started adding things like veggie dips to put a few more calories in my snacks. Of course in a house with a hubby who will eat anything put in front of him and 2 kiddos, there's usually snacks around to help me reach my goals too.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Since I have started lifting weights...which has only been a week mind you...I've been eating average of 1800 a day and I still lost a pound this week. So yes..I eat all my calories
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I don't eat them all during the week, but I tend to make up for it by drinking a fair few of them at the weekend. I guess it balances itself out, and so far it's working. I am rarely really hungry, although I start to feel it the hour before my dinner, but I never go to bed hungry, and I don't wake up starving either.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I aimed to have less than 100 left at the end of the day, just to allow for some extra on weekends. I stopped logging last month when I had an injury, and my weight stayed about the same, even without being able to exercise, so I think I got the hang of eating the right amount.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    btw, your body acts more on a week to week basis, rather then a day to day way.

    for instance, yesterday i went over my calories by about 650. i'm ok with that because it was a rest day and i knew i was going to have a sick burn today (1312 calories... bring it!!). so if i spread those calories out over two days, i have an extra 662 calories for today.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    If I'm not hungry... I don't eat them all. I listen to my body, MFP is a good guide... but I listen to my body.
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    I eat atleast my goal and try to eat my all exercise cals. If you grab a snack before and/ or after the gym that is a way to add in cals. When I come from the gym I will eat a banana and string cheese or a protein shake. Your body needs and deserves extra fuel after excercise.

    I know many people think about dropping weight quick and it is true that you may drop it quicker if you do not eat excercise cals, but it is about treating your body right. For example, before starting on here I never used to eat breakfast, now that I am on here I notice the positive difference now that I do, that is how I think of excercise cals.
  • HoopoeBird
    HoopoeBird Posts: 15 Member
    I always eat over my calories! My calories are set at 1200 but I usually consume 1400-1700 calories a day eating high volume, healthy foods. I've been steadily loosing weight. Only 4 pounds to go :)
  • Madmicky74
    Madmicky74 Posts: 9 Member
    I have 1280 allotted calories and I struggle not to go over it! I have to make sure I do some sort of exercise everyday so I don't feel like I am starving!!!
  • MrFatLegs
    MrFatLegs Posts: 149 Member
    i eat all of my calories, and if my friends have some leftover on their journals i'll eat those too!!!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    i eat all of my calories, and if my friends have some leftover on their journals i'll eat those too!!!

    so long as it's in the form of cheez its, cheap beer, or pizza?
  • FleekTastic
    FleekTastic Posts: 31 Member
    I also have struggled with eating all of my calories, but you have to do it. Think of your body like your checking account. What if you lost your job and had only a $100 left...would you spend it freely or would you save it for an emergency? Chances are you'd save it for an emergency as it is hard to phathom spending your last dollar when you don't have an income.

    Your body "spends" calories in the same way, its not going to let go of anything until it trusts that there is going to be more coming into replace the ones you burn off. Otherwise it just holds on to everything until you "get an income". Starvation mode.

    Set your calorie goal to 1 pound per week, eat your calories back....slowly youll get there. But it won't happen any faster if you starve yourself.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm trying really hard to eat healthy low calorie foods, so it feels like I'm always eating and not getting enough calories!

    You can have healthy high calorie foods too! A handful of almonds, peanut butter on an apple, an egg. Your body needs that fat and those calories to function.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    You should not eat back your calories...I mean I try to eat every day like I should eat for the rest of my life. I am therefore never hungry. Sometimes I spend 4000 calories running a long distance followed by a bike ride...imagine if I ate 6000 cal, I would look like Stalone! I mean eat normally and what is important is your net cal to be above 0.

    I easily spend 1000-2000 cal/day thanks to exercise, and my only way to get them in extra to my 5 meals would be to eat french fries, really! I could if I follow the figures, but honestly would I lose weight if I did?

    If you have to eat 1800 cal/day, learn how to eat that every day for the rest of your life...this is how you change habits. Otherwise you keep your bad habits and walk one hour with the dog to cover them...and no change!

    Now, of course I get hungry when I exercise...but banana, carrot, proteins just after sport are my extra cal (200) I would not get if I did not train.

    Good luck!
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    You should not eat back your calories...I mean I try to eat every day like I should eat for the rest of my life. I am therefore never hungry. Sometimes I spend 4000 calories running a long distance followed by a bike ride...imagine if I ate 6000 cal, I would look like Stalone! I mean eat normally and what is important is your net cal to be above 0.

    I easily spend 1000-2000 cal/day thanks to exercise, and my only way to get them in extra to my 5 meals would be to eat french fries, really! I could if I follow the figures, but honestly would I lose weight if I did?

    If you have to eat 1800 cal/day, learn how to eat that every day for the rest of your life...this is how you change habits. Otherwise you keep your bad habits and walk one hour with the dog to cover them...and no change!

    Now, of course I get hungry when I exercise...but banana, carrot, proteins just after sport are my extra cal (200) I would not get if I did not train.

    Good luck!

    I forgot to mention that on "rest days", I might not train and go for 4000 cal food I sometimes get back cals I lost for weeks
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I don't. But I try to. I don't know how many calories I have left over until really late at night since my workouts are generally done at 9-10pm. So I usually end up with 200-400 calories left. But you should eat most of them.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Hi! I'm new too. I also find it hard to eat all the calories I'm supposed to! My goal is 1200 a day, plus all the extra that come from exercising. I'm trying really hard to eat healthy low calorie foods, so it feels like I'm always eating and not getting enough calories!

    There is an easy solution for this, don't eat low cal food. Opt for calorie dense foods and avoid diet and lite foods.