In need of friend/support!

Hi, My name is marissa! I'm pretty new here, and would love for people to add me! I'd really like to get a little support and give some in return! Thanks :)


  • Welcome to MFP you are going to love it here!
  • Hi, I'm MIsa. I'll be your friend(;
  • thinbluebird
    thinbluebird Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Mykle (pronounced Michael). Today is my first day, and I also could use support. My username is thinbluebird if you'd like to add me :smile:
  • M2swe3t
    M2swe3t Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! My name is Amber, I have been with MFP for about three weeks. I would like to get to know the other users here and make some new friends! M2Swe3t :drinker:
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    I could use some new friends, too! Started my "revolution" February 1st and could use some extra supposrt and encouragement.
  • Hello, I'm Morgan, and this is my first day on here.
    You're welcome to add me as a friend, I'm looking for inspiration as well!
  • Fairly new here too and could also use some support.....your all more than welcome to add me. I know personally some days are rougher than others and a kind word goes a long way
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. :)
  • kainfear
    kainfear Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to add me we all need some support :)
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I've been here for just over a month and it's great. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, my name is Carla, and I am also looking for support, and new mfp friends. I joined mfp, about 3 weeks ago.
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    I am new as well, been on about 3 weeks, made the profile months ago but decided to get on and be serious...just getting off WW for about a year...would LOVE to have a support system..this thread great idea!!! Thanks...mrsgoss
  • Hi my name is Nicole i just joined, you can add me if you would like :)
  • meads01
    meads01 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support! I've had lots of friend requests so im not sure who has added me or not! so If we arent friends just send me a request!! itll make it a lot easier for me! Hope everyone is doing great :)