Advice on motivation to get out there and walk...

I have been trying to get myself out there walking. I like to walk but find it rather boring thing to do by myself. When I can set up walking dates I am so stoked and enjoy it. But when I plan it out for me to go by myself it takes all I can do to not talk myself out of it.

At the weight I am right now (286) walking is good for me and I know helps with my weight loss. So I keep plugging along trying to do it at least 4 days a week for 45-60 minutes at a time.

Maybe I should get me some tunes and JUST DO IT!!!! :tongue:


  • Hey! I started with walking too, its a great way to lose weight if you really stick with it and I've found that its been great for my mental balance as well.

    I swear by Pandora if you have a smartphone, I love that I can't predict what song is up next but its probably something I'd like.

    I also listen to free podcasts, my personal fave is Dave Ramsey...I got my finances together at the same time I lost weight :) But my husband listens to some fitness guy while he runs so there are a lot of choices.

    Finally my friend listens to audio books while she runs. She only lets herself listen to them when she's running so in order to find out what happens next she has to run. I might try it.

    Good luck!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Have a chocolate bar ready for when you're back.

    Only joking... Definitely get some good music. I really like the "shape" cd's, from itunes and Jillian Michaels has her name on a couple of cd's as well. I have 3 of these on my ipod and even though the music might not always be my taste, it's in the right bpm and gets me walking faster than I would without the music.
    Last summer I would go out for a walk every single lunchbreak in work, so I did a 45 min walk daily. And because it was during working hours, it didn't feel like an effort either.
  • KanBrit
    KanBrit Posts: 26 Member
    I have always hated walking because I found it boring. I forced myself to start again and within a week I was eager to go. I download audiobooks from the library and listen to them while walking. The great thing about books is you can get so caught up in the story time passes fast. And there are days where you push yourself a bit longer just to keep listening.