What to say back when friends/family bring you down



  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I would not respond. Silence and a stare can sometimes say more than words. Or "I feel really hurt right now and need to take a walk and boost my morale."
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    No need to explain. Just do. And ignore their comments.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Your photo looks healthy and fit. I think they are wrong.

    Dr Dre once said: "B*tches ain't *kitten*".

    Perhaps this applies to them.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Really, they own this problem. That being said, their CONCEPT of what is HEALTHY is askew. This is going to be hard to break. It may be difficult but perhaps the best thing to say is NOTHING... I know you love your family and it is important to you that they have a healthier life. You know both sides of the fence... You know HEALTHY and how that feels and you know overweight and don't like what that does to you emotionally as well as physically. Imagine if you will if all you have ever known is how you feel right now... at 195 lbs. (or even more)... Then you see somebody coming in with a different and healthier mindset and you tend to reject it... Your life revolves around FOOD... and FOOD= HAPPINESS. Of course you know better than that... but that is the mindset. Best wishes on your endeavour.
  • cdnwinter79
    I just won't tell them I'm trying to lose weight to be healthy.
    It's probably a little easier for me because my family is across the country from me, so I don't get the every day comments.

    I did have one lady that I work with that is quite petite tell me that I don't need to lose weight, that I'm perfect the way I am. Well guess what? I'm not, I don't like looking at myself in the mirror, I know what it's like to be super skinny and overweight, I just want to be healthy for myself, and for my husband and future kids, I want to be able to go on hikes which I love doing without wanting to die.

    But really, when they get on your case about "losing too much weight and looking anorexic" just tell them to take a long hike off a short cliff.
  • Rover234
    Rover234 Posts: 17
    People are uncomfortable when it comes to change. Chances are you are doing something that they know they need to do themselves but fear doing. Keep up the motivation to be successful with your goal!
  • know when you are loved and you are not ,, review your friend action if they dont line up with supporting you.. not back biting laughing at you sititing in a arena watching you being torn to pieces by the world and not lifting a finger to help you shall I say anymore as to what a true friend shouldnt be. I think not .. My friend is and always be the Lord. I tuen to HIm for my support
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    Remember that scene in "Smokey and the Bandit," when Burt Reynolds' character says to Jackie Gleason's character: "Do the letters F.O. mean anything to you?"

    That's what I'd say. :laugh: