30 day shread! Do it together!

okay so just done day one of the 30 day shread!

Managed it, mainly modified positions! Will work on improving them! Heart race was up and sweating! Lovely!

Had a heart rate monitor on... But I don't know how to work out how many cals I burned during the work out... Any ideas?

So who wants to do this with me?


  • Swampstar
    Swampstar Posts: 102 Member
    I'll start it again with you, but I have to wait until Monday coz I'm away this weekend getting pampered before Oz! Can't help you on how to work out your calories, I don't have a heart rate monitor. Sorry!
  • megan2088
    I'll have to have a play about with it!

    Not too sore after day one! Will do my day two later this avo! :)
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I burn around 230ish for level one. Depending on how much effort I put in, sometimes nearly 250.
  • megan2088
    That's really good! Do you enjoy it?
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Yes, I like attempting to beat Natalie's reps! Except the pushups, I have weak wrists and can't do proper ones yet, though I'm trying to strengthen them so I can finally beat her on those as well :devil:

    I'm doing a challenge with other MFP people at the moment, we're on day 5 though a few are on day one as they just got the dvd. Can't wait for level 2 to find out what I burn there.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday - don't have a HRM but just put it in as general aerobics on here.

    My thighs are sore this morning but all ok otherwise. :) Well done - hope you enjoy day 2.
  • megan2088
    Day two done! Really feel it in my legs today! :)

    Took some cringy before pics today and will take more on day 30 and see if it's worked :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Well done!
    Day 2 for me today too, my thighs (quads) were killing me already this morning. Went better today though so thats great news.
    My legs feel like lead now though so will be interesting walking around Uni tomorrow - it's in the Welsh valleys so have lots of stairs inside building and out, might pop an ibuprofen tonight and in the morning to relieve them a little.
    Rest day tomorrow so that'll help.
    Can feel my abs too but not too bad :) really ejoying it and level of sweat is good for me! lol
  • lucybell333
    I've done 6 days of level 1 so far - it definitely gets easier! Had my first day off today, as I had a really good gym workout. I log it as 20 mins of circuit training, which gives me around 200 cals currently. Good luck keeping it up! :smile:
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I've done 6 days of level 1 so far - it definitely gets easier! Had my first day off today, as I had a really good gym workout. I log it as 20 mins of circuit training, which gives me around 200 cals currently. Good luck keeping it up! :smile:

    I've just done day 6 as well, burned 249 according to HRM :smile:
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    Just finished Day 1!

    I can't find the Shred on MFP's Exercise database. I've tried about 4 different ways of writing it but nothing comes up. I must be doing something wrong?
  • CanadianBell
    I'm on day 6 of the shred... feeling great to be honest :) I started in January and got distracted by life but determined to finish the 30 days this time :)
  • megan2088
    Just finished Day 1!

    I can't find the Shred on MFP's Exercise database. I've tried about 4 different ways of writing it but nothing comes up. I must be doing something wrong?

    People seem to be saving it under circuit training!

    I didn't do shread today, had zumba instead! Legs couldn't take both!! Back on it again tomorrow for day 3 at level 1!!

    How's everyone else doing? X
  • tobemeagain518
    I just restarted 30DS again--I did day 1 on friday but didnt do it this weekend so I am going to say that I am still on day 1...Today though was easier then is was on friday but I also think that it helped that I knew what was coming up. I chart it under circuit training.... what does some others do??
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    It is circuit training, she has said that the 3,2,1 system is circuit training. Since I have a HRM, I made up my own exercise for it and put in how many calories the HRM says I've burned.
  • megan2088
    How many cals does you hrm say your burning during it?
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    220-250ish usually
  • megan2088
    That's brilliant for a 20 min workout!
  • LHAMON2009
    I started 30 day shred yesterday and OMG I was already sore last night but today I am dying. I am going to try and push through the soreness. Anyone have any ideas on how to alleviate the soreness???
  • realhousewife_windsor
    day 1, i charted it as circuit training as well. Does anyone know how to get a hert rate monitor and how much do they cost?