What's on your bucket list?

bahacca Posts: 878 Member
And are you looking to do any of them in the near future?
This year, I plan to couple a few of them

Run a half marathon
have 6 pack abs
do a pull up

Other notables
Dive the Great Barrier Reef
Learn how to do one of those fast spins that ice skaters do (I just got on the ice for the first time since 2nd grade, so maybe next year? I honestly have no idea how many years it takes to train for this one)
Finish visiting all 50 states-I still have Alaska, Michigan and Louisiana left


  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    On my bucket list:

    I want to find my 6 pack abs
    I want to learn to wall climb
    I want to run a 5km (the run for Cancer)

    Thanks for this post! :0)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Complete P90 and P90X this year
    Learn to sew
    Give up smoking
    Fall in love with someone who is able to love me back

  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I want to visit, possibly live in Australia. I want to go to Rome at least once. Right now I'd settle for a turkey sandwich
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    Run a half marathon.
    Run a marathon.
    Safari hunt in Africa.....kudu, cape buffalo, eland, impala
    Get my weight back to 200 or lower...

    recently checked off:

    skinny dipping in Cozumel
    See Jimmy Buffet live in concert
    Drive 100 mph from border to border of a state without ever touching the brakes (Virginia and NC on I-95)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I love this!

    Run a half
    Run a full marathon
    Conquer the dreaded pullup
    Scuba dive
    Travel to Spain