Overcoming an Eating Disorder

Has anyone on here ever been diagnosed with an ED? How are you coping with it and how does it affect your life? I was diagnosed with Bulemia at 17 which has not turned in to Binge eating disorder and it is affecting my life a lot. I keep trying to beat it and it has gotten a bit better in the last decade but I want to be done with this. Can anyone give me some ways of dealing with this? Some advice?


  • eatmeingo
    I've never been diagnosed, way too fat for that, but I started starving and restricting around 15. I got out of it for a while but the calorie counting and the obsession and the crying and self harm and all those other nasty things never ever go away. :( I've slipped back into it these passed few months because of personal and home issues, and it's a real struggle. I either binge/purge for weeks or starve until I binge again. I've found some people with ED on tumblr who are trying to lose weight, yes, but when you're in it together it's a lot easier to stay on a healthier track. We plan meals for the coming days, give each other encouragement when we feel the need for "fasting days." http://ana-911.tumblr.com is super helpful for either trying to overcome it or advice for weight loss since both of the mods also struggle with ED and have good tips on how to stop your bad habits and create new, healthier ones. :)