The dreaded white bread...

I have a massive foodie sin for white bread. I have cut down HEAPS since Dec last year (2011) however i can't seem to pull myself away from it entirely. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to curb this habit? I used to have up to and over 8 slices a day and now i'm down to 3 or 4 per day.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't cut out all bread, but I did switch to whole wheat bread. Lots more protein & fiber - more bang for my buck.

    A good "beginner's" wheat bread is Bimbo Wheat bread (WalMart) ... this is almost like eating white bread. Do you have bread at breakfast? Maybe try moving towards oatmeal a couple of days a week.
  • i've got it down to 1 sandwich for lunch OR 2 slices of toast for brekky. the carbs i have at any other meal (like rice) i moderate quite well and have gone with brown rice over white. my hubby now prefers brown over white/long grain rice now! i just like the texture and it doesn't leave a starchy residue.