No Energy

It seems like I never have any energy, and it is so hard for me to even get out of bed. After being awake for only a few hours I am always painfully tired. To the point that I never want to do anything. Maybe it is because I don't drink enough water or something with my diet? Anytips on what you all do to stay energized?


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    It could be water, or maybe a deficiency in something. Low potassium levels caused problems for me last year, & one of my symptoms was feeling drained for 2-3 days at a time. Do you take any one-a-day type vitamins?
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I would recommend going to a doctor and having your iron and b12 levels checked. Deficiency in either of these two things can cause chronic fatigue.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    agree with the iron and b12, how about your mood as well are you up or down beat?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    closed diary so not able to say much with accuracy. But are you netting at least 1200 calories a day?
    MFP gives you a deficit to lose weight before exercise is factored in.... Other places give you higher calories and expect you to exercise to build the deficit, so on MFP you're intended to eat back exercise calories.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    How many calories do you eat? Maybe it is not enough food in general.
  • deboyd5004
    deboyd5004 Posts: 14 Member
    I would also get checked for vitamin deficiency. I was the same way, was exhausted every day after work, and could barely get myself out of bed on time to go to work to begin with. I would sit down on the couch and fall asleep before 7:30. I was deficient in vitamin D. I feel a LOT better since I began taking the high dosage. I've only been on it for a week now.
  • Sierram79
    Sierram79 Posts: 1 Member
    It's probably you not eating enough calories. If you're working out you need to replace those calories you've burned. Also, take some multi- vitamins. I noticed last month my teeth were very sensitive to anything cold or hot foods. So, I said to myself maybe I lack calcium. Now, I drink a cup of milk a day. In 3 days the sensitivity was gone.
  • snappo2000
    snappo2000 Posts: 14 Member
    I had the same problem being tired all the time. It turned out to be a thyroid issue. I've been on the medicine for a couple of months and have seen an increase in energy. It doesn't hurt to get a simple blood test to determine if you have any of the above mentioned issues.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I had the same problem being tired all the time. It turned out to be a thyroid issue. I've been on the medicine for a couple of months and have seen an increase in energy. It doesn't hurt to get a simple blood test to determine if you have any of the above mentioned issues.

    Me too. When my hormones are balanced, I feel amazing. When they are off, I am a sloth. Hypothyroidism makes me feel like concrete. I get heavy, hungry and I can't seem to stay awake. However, when my thyroid levels are where they are supposed to be, I feel like I can do anything I want to.

    If you are getting enough calories and macronutrients, it might be time for a doctor visit.
  • Stylistntenn
    I'm not exactly sure of your situation or all of your symptoms, but my mother has Chronic Fatigue Immune Defiency Syndrome. Her body does not absorb nutrients like everyone elses, and it also has a hard time eliminating toxins. It makes her desperately exhausted and tired. She tried for a couple years to ge diagnosed but not many MDs know a lot about it. They kept trying to tell her nothing was wrong even though we knew there was. She was finally diagnosed about 2 months ago. She is getting treatment at a clinic about 6 hrs away from our home (there are only a handful of clinics around the country that treat this). Like I said, I have no idea of all your symptoms but it doesn't hurt to look into it or research it. :) Some people also have Chronic Fatigue w/out the immune deficiency. Good luck!! Hope it gets better soon for you.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i went through a similar issue last november. I havent really slept through the night since before I was pregnant almost 3.5 years ago. I felt tired all the time, was drinking too much coffee to get through the day and then taking an ambien to fall asleep at night. It was a viscous cycle. Then i started to get depressed which is not something i am prone to so I knew i had a problem.

    i started taking a prenatal and a stress b complex vitamin every day. I stopped taking the ambien and I cut my coffee down to 2 cups per day so I didnt need the ambien. The first few days were rough but i eventually started sleeping through the night and functioning during the day on only 2 cups of coffee.

    I never thought i could survive on only 2 cups of coffee! But I did it and I feel 100x better- no more depression either:)
  • mshel19
    mshel19 Posts: 28 Member
    i just started up again and even tho im tired and dont want to workout i push myself to do it bc i think after working out i will feel better and also i will look better in the summer and that seems to be enough motivation for me .. also ripped in 30 is only 20 mins so i feel like anyone can workout for 20 mins a day right?! i just did day 3 of ripped in 30 (jillian michaels) and i have more energy after the workout than i did before... werid bc im normally not like that lol.. GOOD LUCK and KEEP GOING! :)