New to MFP, Trying to Win a "Khantest" !

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Hi all! Glad I finally joined MFP. I've actually been using something similar that I had created in Excel a few years ago. Some months I was really good at tracking everything, and then there were stretches where I didn't. I still can't believe how easy MFP is to use and free! I should have joined long ago. I think I might be able to stick with MFP for a long time.

Hopefully I got your attention with the word "Khantest".

This past Wednesday (Feb. 1st) I start my 60 day “Health Kwest” with Genghis Grill, in which I hope to improve my diet and exercise habits. A few people have asked what this involves. The best way to describe it is: Biggest Loser meets Subway Diet, but without someone screaming at you and with better food. Yes, there is a chance to win a $10,000 prize at the end, but I believe most of us “Khantestants” are here for the motivation to get in shape and make healthy lifestyle changes. The Khantestant with the highest score at the end of the contest wins the prize. 50% of our score is based on our percentage of weight loss, 25% of our score is the amount of blog posts we make, and the last 25% of our score is online voting. The Kwest runs from February 1st through March 31st.

I will be representing the Genghis Grill – Chandler, Arizona location. We were told there were over 1500 applicants for the 83 franchises (1 was selected at each location).

I will be blogging about my adventure on the Health Kwest Blog Site. Feel free to check back on me and cast a vote on every blog post.

Voting is EASY: Just click on the "Green Thumb" next to every blog post. It's that simple. Nothing to signup for and nothing to enter. You can vote Every Day. If you "Like" my post from the blog site, I get extra votes.

Please make sure to vote for me EVERYDAY!

Feel free to add me as a friend. I know I can use the encouragement and advice. I will certainly try to give the same.


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