Anyone try Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 have results?

I just bought it today and I am anxious to start. I am not going to start until Monday evening because I have a fit test for a job Monday morning and I don't want to be so sore that I can't preform to my best ability. I have been doing cardio like walking/running on the treadmill at home 4 to 5 days a week for 60 to 90 minutes whatever I feel like that day. I have tried the 30 day shred but didn't do it long because my friend is the one that had it so it started to be a pain waiting for her to want to do it but I do know after the first day I could barely move. So has anyone had good results fro Ripped in 30? I want to tone every where tummy,thighs,arms . I have 10lbs to go so I am hoping this will boost my weight lose by switching my routine up. Any advice would be great.



  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    I lost 9.5 inches in my first month of the shred. Good luck!
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I didn't know she had a ripped in 30 I will have to try that. The 30 day shred does provide results my legs were getting nice sculpted cuts in my outer thighs and a lot of strength building. I would trust the ripped in 30 is just as good she puts out quality workouts. Just take your time even if you have to do it very slow the first few weeks. Good Luck.
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    I'm currently doing the ripped in 30 I'm technically on week 2 but I spent 2 1/2 weeks at week one due to illness and other things that kept me from really doing my best. I'm not sure how much I've lost (inches or otherwise) but I will say that I can tell that I'm getting more toned everywhere. In addition I don't just use the 3 or 5 lb weights that the video uses, I use ones that really challenge me. Sometimes that is 5lbs but more often than not it is a 8-15lb weight. You may not see the pound loss that you are looking for but if you give it your all I'm sure you will see toning and a size loss.
    Hope that helps!! :happy: