Ladies what do you eat daily ?

So I am trying to find easy things to eat. I don't want to cook anything because my family will more than likely not eat what I eat. What kind of cereal is good for breakfast. What about lunch? I have done weight watchers and lost alot and I was just eating smart ones and lean cusines and did good with that so I am stick to that but if you have any ideas would be good. What about like whey protein or like special k or slim fast shakes? I have 10lbs to lose and I want to be lean so can you give me ideas. I love fruits and veggies and I drink plenty of water. I really need fast easy things to throw together because I am ususally in a hurry with my family and work.



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Fresh produce in the fridge is great for a quick salad. I keep frozen grilled chicken and salmon in the freezer that I can quickly heat up to add protein to my salad. I also keep some of those bags of veggies that you can just steam in the microwave - heat up one of those and some of the chicken or salmon and I've got a quick meal. I also like wrapping up protein and veg in a tortilla. Whenever I actually cook dinner from scratch (not very often LOL) I cook more than we need for the meal and then portion it out individually in containers, stick a few in the fridge for lunch the next couple of days and a few in the freezer so I have my own 'freezer meals'. I do sometimes have some of the pre-made meals from the store, just depends on my mood. I also have some protein powder and like to blend it up with some almond milk (or you can use regular) and some frozen fruit. :-)
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    This is a pretty good website for recipes
    I make the turkey bean chili, freeze half and have it for lunch or dinner whenever I don't want to cook or if I run out of something else quick. It makes A LOT and is really good. Only 200 calories per cup. You could make other things based on wht you have around the house and portion them out for later days, like she mentioned above. I keep canned soup handy too.
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    Options has tons of healthy recipes with the nutrition info already calculated. There's a lot of quick and easy ones too
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    cottage cheese and string cheese are my go to quick things. I stay away from all Special K stuff as they use high fructose corn syrup in their products. Cheerios are my go to cereal.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I only eat really healthy cereals now (ex-Count-Chocuholic!) My favourite breakfast cereal now is Great Grains. It has whole grains, multi-grains, nuts, and some have dried fruit. A cup (at least of the one I have here right now which is walnut and pecan and almonds) is less than 200 calories. I have that plus a serving of fruit and I am good to go until lunch time. I also like Kashi cereals, and good ol' oatmeal.

    Lunch depends on whether I am at school or at home. When I go to uni I take either a really yummy salad that seems well balanced for me (I use a lettuce, red cabbage, carrot blend, with half a serving of a grated cheese, 5 chopped walnuts, onions, croutons, and a tablespoon of ranch dressing). Or I might take a tofurky wrap (and if you are not a vegetarian, you can just remove the "of" from tofurky! :P) in which I put lettuce, onion, mayo, and a cheese slice. The tortilla I use only has 80 calories, and the tofurky provides lots of protein, so it is really filling for not that many calories.) If I am NOT at school, I tend to make my lunches bigger than my suppers, so I will prepare a stir-fry with rice and tofu or chili or a hearty soup with beans and grains or homemade pasta (well, not usually with homemade sauce, but I add LOTS of veggies, and even kidney beans to it).
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    If you want a cereal, I swear by Kashi Go Lean Crunch. Lots of protein, and enough carbs to get me through the morning. And it's tasty (the regular crunch tastes cinnamon-y and the honey almond flax tastes, well...not really like honey and almond, but it's a bit sweeter). Otherwise, I really agree with everyone else. I love making food and then portioning it up for myself. Freeze some and put the rest in the fridge. It's healthier than the frozen dinners at the grocery store because you don't put the same preservatives that those companies have to use. I've even started doing my own oatmeal mix (a serving of dry oatmeal, splenda, cinnnamon, and raisins) to bring to work. All I have to do is add water and microwave. Use the recipe function on here to figure out your meal stats.
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    For breakfast on the go, i usually take a bit of cottage cheese with pepper, a danone probiotic yogurt drink or maybe even a cup of dry Vector cereal. Vector has a lot of protein so that helps for people who arent huge meat eaters.

    Lunch i have grown to the like the lean cusine meals. They are on sale right now at save on foods, 5 for 10 bucks.

    Dinner, i usually try to make the healthiest things like turkey chili, turkey pasta, etc. I changed all the ground beef to ground turkey because it is so much leaner.
  • ashliehawk
    Ok thanks everyone!
  • maryjay51
    i cook for myself and then i cook for the house ..the way i make it easier is to cook most of my stuff at the beginning of the week. i make about 3lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast and cut it up andp ut it in a tupperware container..i will also cook up about four turkey burgers and throw that in the fridge too.. then i make about four servings of brown rice and sometimes a few servings of whole grain pasta..this way when i make my meals i just pick it out of the fridge and throw it all together..its soooo easy.. i have a very busy life and this type of preparation works ..