So, from a TDEE calculator, I get a higher goal amount than my MFP goal (200 calories higher) because exercise is factored in. Does it still work the same way and do I have to eat back my exercise calories still?


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    No. On MFP you eat back your calories, because it's not using TDEE. If you're using TDEE as your base rate, take your deficit out of that, and then eat to your new total.
  • shayamador
    ok- so that means no eating back exercise calories then?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Forgetting MFP If you've calculated your TDEE with exercise factored in, and it's 2000 say, then you would eat 1500 calories to create a 500 calorie deficit. You wouldn't eat back any exercise calories - they're factored in (averaged) when it calculates your TDEE (based on your BMR and activity level)

    If you're on MFP and you've set yourself to sedentary, and your TDEE is 1800 for example and your target is set for 1300 calories (to get 500 calories deficit) then when you exercise and it adds another 200 calories, your maintenance level (TDEE) is now at 2000. So you would eat 200 more calories to get the same deficit as you would have without.exercise.

    Personally I prefer to set myself to sedentary and add my exercise calories than have a guesstimate made based on my activity level. I might exercise 6-7 days a week, but according to a TDEE calculator my TDEE is 2839.. I don't think I am burning 839 calories exercising.
  • shayamador
    Thank you! I understand it now! Whew, I've been eating my exercise calories back when I used my TDEE-500 and have not been losing any weight! Thanks again!