stubborn belly flab

need the opinion of others:

like many other women, i want to get rid of my belly pouch. what foods should i make sure to eat/avoid?

would love some tips!


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    I think the currently accepted wisdom is that you can't choose where to lose your fat. Your body decides for you. So you have to just lose weight, and hopefully it will come off your belly at some point.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    suck it in

    (lol) i have found if you try it though it works your core muscles ..... but it was meant as a joke
  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    There aren't really any food out there that cause belly fat. It is just where your body decides to keep the fat. Every body is different, but there are only so many places a body can store fat. My body like to put it on my thighs and belly. I could to ab workouts until I keel over, but that won't change much. So, just eat healthy and smart. Also, keep going at it. Don't get discouraged! You cannot pick where your body will burn the fat from. Your body is a well of energy that you slowly burn while working out. Now, could you look down at the water in the well and get a bucket full of water from the center adn expect the dip to stay there? No. It works the same way with your body.

    KEEP AT IT!! :)

    Also, instead of just "sucking it in" work on your overall posture. When you roll your shoulder and arch your stomach your belly will pooch out because your spine and torso are forcing it out. Sit up with a straight back and shoulders rolled back and it will look like you instantly lost a few inches from the belly.
  • debrabrogan
    Sucking in your gut on a regular basis actually DOES help strengthen your belly for that flat stomach! That's how I stayed skinny for a long time, it was when I started relaxing it and pushing it out to make myself look fat for people so they wouldn't argue with me when I said I needed to lose weight that I actually gained a pouch. :(