what do you do when you dont feel like exercising



  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    If I have already had a "rest day" I will just do it. It's tough to start but (at least for me) once I start I'm good. Make a deal that if you exercise after 10 minutes you can stop if you want as long as you start. Most of the time you keep going.
  • foremaar012
    i often dont feel like exercising bc a couch and potato chips sounds a lot better after work.....buuuuttt thats how i gained all this weight. i force myself to go and say to myself " just get on the treadmill or elliptical for 15min if you really really really hate it after that you can stop but just get on it..." always after 15min im feeling in the zone and feel better and just finish the work out
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I think to myself "What would I like to eat right now?" Then I go burn the calories for it and eat it! It's very motivating for me to think that the more I exercise, the more I can eat.
  • TriciaMaina
    When I don't feel like getting to the gym, I take account of why and then I go from there. I always get dressed like I'm going to the gym. Sometimes just being in the clothes puts me in workout mode. If I'm tired I take a quick 20 minute nap. If I'm too lazy to make the 20 minute walk to the gym I find a workout video online to do. If I'm just bored with my routine, I pick something more interesting to do like hiking, swimming, or call up a friend to do some workouts together.
  • maryjay51
    i just read your food diary .. i can see why you dont have energy. you should take a serious look at changing the foods you eat . there isnt many healthy things in there. fueling yourself properly makes all the difference in the world when you are trying to be healthier. i compare this to fueling a car. if you put water in a car gas tank the car wont take you very far before it either doesnt start or it poops out. when you put in the right type of gas then it starts and runs ..when you tune it up it runs even more effectively.. when you put the wrong food in your body you become sluggish and even sometimes get sick and your body just doesnt run right. when you tune yourself up by eating right,exercising and drinking water then you will have energy and you will find yourself feeling better