Physically Inactive Weight Loss



  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    More to this topic :smile:
    The human brain in conjunction with the body is capable of doing things beyond our imagination, and as many scientist would say, we're still learning about the possibilities.

    The "HUMAN BODY: ULTIMATE MACHINE" series from the discovery channel is very interesting and informative since it covers many of the things humans have been able to do when facing situations that you wouldn't experience on a typical day. One of the examples used was how the brain can slow down metabolism in situations like being trapped in a place without water and food, to prevent the body to run out of nutrients, extending the possibility of surviving. It gets to the point where it will shut down certain body functions that are not vital, direct the blood to where it is needed, and in some cases even self-cannibalize the body using muscle fibers as a source of nutrients for the body.

    All of these happens without we thinking about it, the subconscious takes part of this. So you see why I wonder if it could be possible to speed up metabolism? Ahhhh :grumble: if only I knew more about this stuff.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I was hypnotized for weight loss, and it worked for me for awhile. I dropped 30 pounds in one year.
    But then it eventually sort of wore off and my weight crept back up. All the subsequent times I've gone in it seemed to work for less and less a duration of time. 3 months.. 1 month... 2 weeks...nothing.
    Finally I just stopped spending money on it.
    Everyone is different though, so I do recommend it. It might be the exact solution for someone out there!

    what exactly did it do for you?

    I had them hypnotize me to not drink sodas or eat sugar. It worked. I had no craving for anything sugary for a year. Just that, made me drop 30 pounds. But it didn't last! waah
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You can download hypnosis weight loss recordings to your IPod or Mp3 player. I bought one from ITunes for $9.99 and one from Amazon for $.99. Both had testimonials where people swore it worked for them. I personally am not sure if I can be hypnotized. I used to listen to them at night before falling asleep. I followed the directions. I used to fall asleep listening to them and then wake up, probably when the hypnotist told me to wake up. There was a bit at the end of the recording though, that said something to the effect that if you wanted to continue sleeping, you would stay in a deep restful sleep until morning and wake up refreshed. I would always still wake up. I don't think it worked for me. One of them talks a lot about the things that make you gain weight, stress, feelings of inadequacy etc. That kind of thing. I wondered if it didn't work for me because I didn't fit the hypnotist's assumption of why I had gained weight. One of them was Steve G. Jones, weight loss hypnosis and the other (ITunes, I think) was Dr. Rick Collingwood. Dr. Collingwood has an accent that made me feel like I was listening to Michael Caine in Dressed To Kill. If you read the reviews though, apparently it worked for some people.

    I'm not sure I believe the reviews of apps they sell on itunes. The people selling the apps can put up their own reviews.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've heard that yogis can effect there internal processes through meditation. Things like slowing down their heart rate and such. I don't recall what else off-hand. Also, that kind of self-hypnosis is what allows people to walk on those burning coals, or sit or lay on a bed of nails, without injury. I don't really know much about it so I'm not presenting that as fact and there could be some trick to it all, I suppose.

    And I believe the effects of laughter, mood and attitude have been documented in the recovery from illnesses and injuries as well.

    Anyway, if true, maybe you're onto something.

    Actually, I didn't go into this topic because skepticism plays a major role in what people can achieve and I don't want to make some people believe we're talking about voodoo or some hocus pocus thing lol. I truly believe in the power of the mind and how Yogis can control internal process, they can even stop bleeding, slow down hear rates, etc just as you mentioned. But to make it fair to those who don't believe in that, I decided to approach it in a more scientific way like hypnosis :bigsmile:
    There is so much we just don't know.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    There is so much we just don't know.

    Tell me about it :frown:
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    It seems no one really knows much or anything about this :laugh: If I find out this theory is true, you'll see hundred of users asking where to find the information :bigsmile: