Just getting started, need friends!


Have been lurking around here for a couple of weeks so thought i should introduce myself!

I'm 26, with a 3yo daughter and 4mo son, trying to lose the baby weight and tone up before my wedding in September.

Want to go from a UK 14/16 to a small size 12, tummy is a war-zone after 2 very large babies, but that's ok, as long as i can feel good and comfortable in my clothes i am happy :drinker: I carry all my extra weight on my stomach so look a bit pot-bellied at the moment...

Have been doing the 30 day Shred for 5 days and my boyfriend commented this morning that my arms looked very toned so i'm heading in the right direction :smile:


  • Kate_321
    Kate_321 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey I'm 26 with 4yo and 6mo. Neither were huge babies, but carried lots of water so my tummy is definitely worse for wear! Keep hearing about 30 day shred, but at no I am just focusing on reducing my food intake & trying to fit in a few work outs a week.
    Feel free to add, if u wabt another buddy :) Good luck!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome! I'm 27 yr with a 8mo daughter trying to lose all this baby weight. I did the 30 day shred in 2010 and had major success with it so I will be breaking that back out. Will add you :) Good luck!
  • rodofgod
    rodofgod Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, good luck! Feel free to add me if you want, the more support the better.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi request sent :) There is a Team UK group - join us if you like
  • mjanemorgan
    mjanemorgan Posts: 43 Member
    hi, i have a one year old son and despite getting back to a healthy bmi I still have the baby bulge too! its slooooowly getting smaller with aerobics and toning and (fairly) healthy eating< but I'm assured by many people (mainly my mum who had 5 huge babies!!) that it can be done, so I hope that gives you some encouragement! :)