New Mom Buddies

I am looking for new moms that are dealing with the weight challenge as well... I need a buddy lol that I can talk to and share experiences with!


  • stephelliott
    I am looking for new moms that are dealing with the weight challenge as well... I need a buddy lol that I can talk to and share experiences with!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    hey steph

    i have a four month old and I have hit a plateau. My body swears it still thinks its pregnant! LOL I am getting married next June 2010 and I want to look AWeSOME! when did you have your baby?
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    Hi.... I am a new mom too!! My son is almost 9 months old now and I am still struggling with getting the pounds off.. i have just gotten serious about it and am determined now!! I have about 50 more pounds that I need to get off!!! I would be happy to share experiences with you anytime!! Welcome and good luck to you!!
  • stephelliott
    I had baby Brayden 6 weeks ago... and I love it.. but my body doesn't! How do you stay motivated to exercise? I just get so exhausted after work!
  • stephelliott
    hey steph

    i have a four month old and I have hit a plateau. My body swears it still thinks its pregnant! LOL I am getting married next June 2010 and I want to look AWeSOME! when did you have your baby?

    I got married June 21st 08, so congratulations! I'm sure you'll look great for you wedding. I remember trying so hard to lose a couple pounds before my wedding... little did I know I was already
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    I had baby Brayden 6 weeks ago... and I love it.. but my body doesn't! How do you stay motivated to exercise? I just get so exhausted after work!

    Don't worry... it will happen for you... 6 weeks is still early. I was definitely not even thinking about exercising at that point. It was very exhausting!!!! Once my son starting sleeping through the night that made things soooo much easier!!! Being a mom is the greatest thing ever... my son, Elijah is getting ready to start walking now... he's crawling everywhere and into EVERYTHING.... he pulls up on the furniture and walks holding on to things, but doesn't have the confidence to do it on his own yet. It's so fun to watch him grow!!! Good luck to you!!