need cheering up..?

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
had a bit of a s.hit week if im honest, last day of my job yesterday as the shop closed down due to f.ukiin s.hittty recession thats happening everywhere!! im applying for some other jobs around here and going to hand in my cv's everywhere. had a tattoo on my foot yesterday and today its sooo friggin sore! i have to sleeep with my left foot out the duvet and its freeezing! i cant walk very good and its all swollen! someone come cut my foot off for me please? next on the list is im snapping at everyone, i cant help it :( everytime my mum or brother speaks to me im yelling at them back and i really dont mean it, its cos im soo stressed with trying to find work i just shout at them. id pack my bags and get out of here, but cos i cant walk im limited to what i do! =/, then ive got my weight doing my nut in, ive not logged food in the last 4 days because ive been stressed with work, ive probably eaten like over 3000 cals a day, and not even on healthy foods! ive eaten like 100 packet of crisps, about 3 litres of energy drinks, 2 big bottles lucozade. plenty of chocolate bars to last me a life time. i had a big box of roses chocolates off my manager yesterday as a leaving present - and guess what? there all in my belly! ive got weigh in tomorrow morning and if theres any gain im giving up! ive got a few people constantly butting in with my life, always thinking they know whats best for me, and they are people i know from around town and who ive known for years. theres rumors going around im pregnant.....? mmm yea course i am! i had a tattoo yesterday ****head!!! :explode:

why does life suck?!! im only 19 and i feeel like im not worth living for anymore! :sad: life has just come down on my like a ton of bricks!

im really sorry to rant n rave on here, no body wants to know any of this crap im sure! i just need to get it off my chest - and well my mother is taking no notice of me =/ sowwi x

anything i can do to cheer myself up a bit? food normally helps me - but ive eaten enough already today and its only 2pm!


  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member

    why does life suck?!! im only 19 and i feeel like im not worth living for anymore! :sad: life has just come down on my like a ton of bricks!

    Babe, you're 19. This is a blip in your have a long way to go with plenty of good times ahead.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member

    why does life suck?!! im only 19 and i feeel like im not worth living for anymore! :sad: life has just come down on my like a ton of bricks!

    Babe, you're 19. This is a blip in your have a long way to go with plenty of good times ahead.

    but everything was going soo smoothly untill last week when i found out the shop i love working in is closing down.. thats whats hit me the most and i just feel soo urghh.
  • This my dear, is unfortunately, life. Life will challenge you and make you feel weak. It will also make you stronger if you let it. If there is one thing I've learned is that life doesn't bend according to your will or what you think should be going on. It's frustrating and it's depressing. You gotta wade through the ****, pick yourself back up, and carry on my friend.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    Unfortunately, those kinds of things happen babe. It's a cliche, but it's true, you have to take the good, along with the bad. The door closing on this opportunity you had, will leave you available for the next door that opens. There's always going to be disappointments in life, we just have to deal with them. Keep your head up...
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    This my dear, is unfortunately, life. Life will challenge you and make you feel weak. It will also make you stronger if you let it. If there is one thing I've learned is that life doesn't bend according to your will or what you think should be going on. It's frustrating and it's depressing. You gotta wade through the ****, pick yourself back up, and carry on my friend.

    This exactly.

    Best of luck to you. I know you will get through this. :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Unfortunately, those kinds of things happen babe. It's a cliche, but it's true, you have to take the good, along with the bad. The door closing on this opportunity you had, will leave you available for the next door that opens. There's always going to be disappointments in life, we just have to deal with them. Keep your head up...

    This too
  • ladybb7
    ladybb7 Posts: 134 Member
    I believe everything happens for a reason.... sometimes we don't know why, it's not fair, and it sucks, but Karma will work in your favour down the road. Keep your chin up :)
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Jeremiah 29:11-13
    New International Version (NIV)
    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    I am not a preacher but I know that I know that I know this is the truth. Problem is when we make plans God laughs, I have learned to let God lead my life. It's not always easy or smooth sailing but it is the life I love living. Don't give up sweetie, things will be better, wait and see.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Oh honey! I really feel for you! This is a **** time but just keep on going on and things will get better! The first thing I have to tell you though is to skip the weigh in! You know it may not be good and there is no point in punishing yourself! Ignor the rumour mill and live your life! These people are not worth your energy but you are! Rest up get your food back on track as best you can and try to relax!!
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    had a bit of a s.hit week if im honest, last day of my job yesterday as the shop closed down due to f.ukiin s.hittty recession thats happening everywhere!! im applying for some other jobs around here and going to hand in my cv's everywhere. had a tattoo on my foot yesterday and today its sooo friggin sore! i have to sleeep with my left foot out the duvet and its freeezing! i cant walk very good and its all swollen! someone come cut my foot off for me please? next on the list is im snapping at everyone, i cant help it :( everytime my mum or brother speaks to me im yelling at them back and i really dont mean it, its cos im soo stressed with trying to find work i just shout at them. id pack my bags and get out of here, but cos i cant walk im limited to what i do! =/, then ive got my weight doing my nut in, ive not logged food in the last 4 days because ive been stressed with work, ive probably eaten like over 3000 cals a day, and not even on healthy foods! ive eaten like 100 packet of crisps, about 3 litres of energy drinks, 2 big bottles lucozade. plenty of chocolate bars to last me a life time. i had a big box of roses chocolates off my manager yesterday as a leaving present - and guess what? there all in my belly! ive got weigh in tomorrow morning and if theres any gain im giving up! ive got a few people constantly butting in with my life, always thinking they know whats best for me, and they are people i know from around town and who ive known for years. theres rumors going around im pregnant.....? mmm yea course i am! i had a tattoo yesterday ****head!!! :explode:

    why does life suck?!! im only 19 and i feeel like im not worth living for anymore! :sad: life has just come down on my like a ton of bricks!

    im really sorry to rant n rave on here, no body wants to know any of this crap im sure! i just need to get it off my chest - and well my mother is taking no notice of me =/ sowwi x

    anything i can do to cheer myself up a bit? food normally helps me - but ive eaten enough already today and its only 2pm!

    Just Cheer up. There's always someone worse off than yourself. Stop wallowing in self-pity, get back up dust yourself off and concentrate on finding another job and stop dwelling on things.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I have to share this with you because I think it will bring you hope!!

    Last August my sister left her job to move down with her new hubby who is in the RAF. She had real trouble sorting out JSA even though she had worked for 10 years without a break but eventually she managed it! She aplied for hundreds of jobs! Even ones she didn't want to do because she needed the money and from September to now hse only got 1 interview and she didn't get the job! She lives in Cosford and was aplying as far away as Shrewsbury even though she can't drive because she was so desperate! (I know you know roughly where these are cos you take trips into Telford now and again don't you? Thats where her Job Centre is! Lol!) She was really down as she only had her interview last Friday and found out on Wednesday that she didn't get the job so her hubby took her to the local garden centre for a cuppa and a slice of cake (skinny git that she is! lol)! She handed in her CV today just on the off chance, the manager came and had a chat with her and low and behold she has a job! Only 10mins walk from where she lives! She told me all this on the phone just now!

    The moral is, when it is right you will get a job easily! Just don't give up and have faith in yourself!