Fears and Triumphs

porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
Hi All,
thought it'd be nice to share some general motivational stuff ..

What were / are your fears around exercise ?


What were / are your triumphs in exercise?

Thanks for sharing.


  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    Hmmm my fears around exercise - i have really got to watch my knees until i drop another 10 pounds or so, they make a grinding clicking sound when i do squats or even run upstairs, this only began with the last 14 or so pounds i gained before starting.
    i'm scared i will be unable to run 5km on July 1st, ive signed up for a race for charity, i doubt myself often!

    Triumphs so far? - today i pushed my weights up ALOT in the gym, and felt good, it was hard work and i felt smug!
    ive also been very regular with going, this is usually my downfall, i sign up, then dont go, but i have so far for 2 weeks.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Personally, I've had a few over the years. at my biggest I avoided taking my older daughter swimming till she was 5. I'm ashamed of this as it was my own vanity that stopped me, I was convinced I'd be the biggest person there and everyone would laugh. I remember meeting a colleague IN the pool a few trips in and being mortified. I have gladly got over this and encouranged my friend before xmas to come swimming with me when she was up on holidays, she has gained loads of weight during pregnancy and was worried... she came and enjoyed and I feel this is a triumph for her.

    Fears now.. is my abs.. I've realised - sounds silly but I'm almost scared to try and exercise them.. they're not actually as bad as I thought they'd be, so am overcoming this now.

    Other fears of mine are showing flesh. not naked with hubby (tmi sorry) but out and about. I'm big chested and I guess years of covering up has lead to my fear of showing my arms, my legs or too much skin. I'm concious in vest tops that I look like dolly parton :ohwell: . I love wearing jeans but in the summer wish I was brave enough to wear skirts etc. I'm hoping my new static bike and lifting dumbbells (moving up to weights) will help me feel better about my limbs! lol
    I am going to belly dancing classes now and the teacher knows my fear, I don't have to get my belly out but I'm hoping in time I'll learn to love it.. or at least like it enough to show it occasionally. lol lots of work needed before that day though.

    So.. thats about mine. :embarassed:

    Just realised I didn't entirely stick to exercise... sorry.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    My biggest fear is injuring myself 'cause then I need to stop exercising.

    Biggest success: When first starting to exercise a dozen years or so ago, it took me 4 months to succeed in doing 20 minutes on the elliptical. I was so proud of myself for sticking with it. Now exercise is such a habit, it feels strange to miss 2 days.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Fears: Having to work at it, having to get off the couch, having to stick with something, fear of the word itself. Activity that is fun, something to do, and coming with no commitment is fine. But call it "exercise" with a requirement to do it every day (or 3 times a week, or some sort of regular schedule), and that shuts down any desire to do it. The mind says, no, I don't like to exercise. The fear that it would take a long time to see any benefits. But my desire to see a change eventually got bigger than what was keeping me from it.

    Triumphs: I have been doing Jillian Michaels' DVD at home most days for 21 days now. I'm way stronger than I have ever been in just 3 weeks of sticking with it. I'm starting to shed fat. Seeing that most of my fears were groundless and seeing some results is keeping me motivated and moving forward.