Missed goal

Have you ever JUST missed a goal you set for yourself? I found that I experienced that this morning. I had set a goal to be under 220 lbs by the Super Bowl. This morning I came in at 220.4. It's a bummer that I didn't make it, but I worked hard and came close. Sure there are the questions of "what could I have done different?" or "where could I have cut more calories?" even "could I have worked out harder or longer?" The thing is, that no matter how hard we work on the journey to our goals, we can never be sure of the exact results until we reach the deadline for our goal. Of course it's important to each of that we reach the goals we set for ourself, even if it is just for that feeling of accomplishment. However, I think that what's more important how we react to the "close, but no cigar" scenario. When we can pick up, move on, and set our next goal with little to no grievance, we can still consider ourself a winner. I think of it as revenge against defeat.
Remember that revenge is bitter-sweet and so is chocolate. Who doesn't like a little chocolate once in a while?
I know that I will not dwell on failure. I will set a new goal, and achieve it. I will have my revenge against defeat...
How will you react to not quite reaching a goal?


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    If you ask me, you reached it, so your up 4 ounces, at that point your splitting hairs.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Pfftttbbtt. You're going to feel defeated over 4/10 of a pound? You'd "lose" more than that in one tinkle.