Got any top tips for women lifting weights?

I'm just curious to hear if people who regularly lift weights have any top tips for me

I haven't been doing it for too long as I was one of those always under the impression it would bulk me up. But I have seen the light ....and the improvements

I don't lift heavy, just 3kg in each hand. I also use the radient machine for my triceps between cardio routines

Thanks in advance!


  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    *points at the search button* (or just look a few topics down, there's bound to be at least 2 similar threads as 5 or more similar threads get posted daily)

    Anyways here's the short answers:

    - You won't bulk (women don't produce enough testosterone)
    - You're lifting too light, you should be lifting as much as you can up to 8 reps (barely getting 8 reps with good form)
    - Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)
    - Form, form, and form.
    - New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read
    - Websites, such as have routines for beginners with videos on how to complete each exercise
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    *points at the search button* (or just look a few topics down, there's bound to be at least 2 similar threads as 5 or more similar threads get posted daily)

    Anyways here's the short answers:

    - You won't bulk (women don't produce enough testosterone)
    - You're lifting too light, you should be lifting as much as you can up to 8 reps (barely getting 8 reps with good form)
    - Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)
    - Form, form, and form.
    - New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read
    - Websites, such as have routines for beginners with videos on how to complete each exercise

    Thank you for your response, the bullet points were what I was hoping for and i will definitely take them into account, especially the lifting heavier.

    HOWEVER, the whole *point at the search button* gets on my tits

    There's always someone on a forum that seems to think that anyone who posts a topic *that may have been covered a zillion times in some form* doesn't know how to use this function

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I know how to look through archived posts, why the assumption I haven't already looked and not found a response I like?

    I made a new topic because I wanted the most up to date responses. How many new people join the forum each week? Maybe they have something relevant to say to a new post on a certain subject?

    I also know how to use Google, but since I've grown to like this forum and some of the members responses I would rather read a collective of MFP answers

    But sorry to waste some forum space for my topic that might of helped a few others too

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    To add to what was posted above
    - make sure to be getting proper nutrition. 1g of pro per lb of LBM and .35xbody weight in fat. cho is non essential, but can be used to fill in the gaps (yummmmy)
    - Dont be expecting to be gaining muscle on a deficit unless you are completely new to lifting or coming back after a long break. If that is you, then you MIGHT gain 1 lb of muscle per month if circumstances are perfect. Minimal gains
    - Dont skip out on dead lift
    -make sure you are using correct form - very important. For intance go ALL the way down on squats - not a hal squat becuase you can do more weight. Form over numbers
    - Give yourself proper resting time
    - This is more how I do it - but split upper/lower into 2 days. Like on monday - upper and tuesday - lower
    - Do not over work abs or work them every day. They are a muscle too and need rest
    -Make sure to get plenty of sleep - important in muscle recovery
    - no curls in the squat rack ;D
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    *points at the search button* (or just look a few topics down, there's bound to be at least 2 similar threads as 5 or more similar threads get posted daily)

    dude, yes, there are a million similar threads posted daily about how to lift, how to log jillian micheals 30 day shred, and what HRM is best. we learn to get used to it fast.

    and to the OP, to answer your question, get the book "new rules for lifting for women." many women on here have had success with it.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    You could try a body pump class at the gym as an alternative. I have also heard good things about the new rules of lifting book.
  • MrsAbbott18
    Who wrote "New Rules of Lifting for Women" ?? I would love to read it!!
  • chiccaroline
    chiccaroline Posts: 17 Member
    Lou Schuler with Cassandra Forsythe.
  • MrsAbbott18
    THANK YOU :)
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    New Rules is about $12 on Amazon and is easy to read. has workouts that you can follow based on your desired results. I love love love to lift! Lift heavy! Don't waste your time doing it half-assed. Work hard, get sweaty, wear yourself out! I can hardly make it up the stairs and to the car when I'm done but it's fantastic!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    If everyone used the search button, there would be 5 threads total. That's including ones on using the search thread, and the ones on why everyone is so rude to each other on the forums.

    Just like everyone has the option to search, everyone also has the option to ignore a thread, and not respond.
  • Luthorcrow
    First, never, ever do any exercise for your triceps. It is just an incredible waste of time. Triceps will get all the work they can take just from doing other larger muscle group exercises.

    I agree with this statement.
    New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read...

    That and get the DVD Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. That will get your form of to a good start and save you lot of time and pain.

    Lastly, stick to either free weights and avoid all machines except for the cable stations.
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    Do it! Building strength and muscle is fantastic! Feeling strong physically helps one feel strong emotionally! I love my Zumba classes but in between a good weighted workout is great.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    First, never, ever do any exercise for your triceps. It is just an incredible waste of time.

    Absolutes are always wrong. There's nothing wrong with isolation work (despite what the Rippetoe nutswingers will tell you), but it should usually be secondary to compound work.

    OP: Here's a good free resource from Matt Perryman.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)

    None of those are Olympic lifts.
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I love pyramid work outs.....10 reps light weight; 8 reps medium weight; 6 reps heavy weight; back to 8 reps medium weight; 10 reps light weight. You do this progression for each exercise (ie, bicpes, triceps, chest press, etc) with no break between different weights.. You can also do it with squats (hold the weights in the progression as you do your squats). Hope that makes sense!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    First, never, ever do any exercise for your triceps. It is just an incredible waste of time. Triceps will get all the work they can take just from doing other larger muscle group exercises.

    I agree with this statement.
    New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read...

    That and get the DVD Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. That will get your form of to a good start and save you lot of time and pain.

    Lastly, stick to either free weights and avoid all machines except for the cable stations.

    Why would you say never do exercises just for the triceps? Saying they'll get all the work they need from other lifts is like saying you shouldn't do abs because you use them every day. I do crazy tricep work because they are incredibly important in the bench using gear. When in doubt, do more triceps! For the average girl, okay maybe they aren't a big deal. But saying not to do them is amateur!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)

    None of those are Olympic lifts.

  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I'm just curious to hear if people who regularly lift weights have any top tips for me

    I haven't been doing it for too long as I was one of those always under the impression it would bulk me up. But I have seen the light ....and the improvements

    I don't lift heavy, just 3kg in each hand. I also use the radient machine for my triceps between cardio routines

    Thanks in advance!
    Lift heavy. You'll get better results in the end. Light weights don't increase RMR and that's where you burn more fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition