Just a rant...



  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    Yep, I'm sort of obsessed with what other people are piling on their plates or thrown gin their shopping carts. It sort of blows your mind once you start paying attention. Of course, the worst part is that I used to do the same things! Yikes!!! Hopefully, those people you see eating themselves to death will soon wake up and see what we are now seeing.

    I also think it should be considered child abuse and punishable to feed your children in a way that leads to obesity and/or other health problems. It's the same as malnourishing a child. There should be a blanket law about adequate nutrition provided for a child.

    I can't believe the story you are telling, MummyOfSeven! I mean, I CAN, but it amazes me that even after a medical professional had diagnosed both her children with a medical problem, she still doesn't want to hear it? Wow! So, so sad....

    I am definitely trying to break the cycle with my own daughter. She gets plenty of sweets and "junk" here and there, but it's just not like the average American toddler eats. We are vegan and so very rarely do fast food (Taco Bell is about it for us). But, more importantly than the amounts/frequency that she has any kind of food, I try to monitor the relationship she has with food.

    Food is never a reward for anything. Ever. So, dessert is not "after you finish your meal" - rather, it is a small portion and served with the meal. Yes, at three years old, she usually eats it first. But, she still eats her meal same as she would without it. I don't want her to feel like she "has" to eat the "healthy stuff" before she "gets" the "good stuff".

    We're not doing anything perfect. There are plenty of things that someone else could point out as needing improvement. But, we try to educate ourselves and our daughter, be good role models, and keep stepping back every once in a while to re-evaluate what's on our plates and in our carts!