Funny advertisements for a weightloss community

Anyone else find it funny that they are advertising for Papa Johns over there

I know this is a free site and they have to make the money from selling advertising space, but I don't think that is very motivating to sticking to a healthy diet to see such evil temptation.

What are some things that are keeping you motivated?

What are some little things you do to make the transition to a healthy life style easier?

What has been your hardest temptation?

The first week I was mainly concerned with getting off the soda and stop my boredom snacking. Everytime I opened the refridgerator to find something to munch on, I made myself drink an 8oz mini bottle of water and walk away. I stuck to a diet of little meat but plenty of fresh raw veggies.

I have a few temptations, and I know it will be easier as I go. But I am a baker by hobby. I love to bake things and love to learn new skills in this field. I do french twirls/ cream horns, coffee cakes, beignets, doughnuts, pretzels. I wake up with my partner at 4 when he goes to work and find it hard to stay out of the kitchen. Not like I can do much other than in the kitchen with a house full of sleeping kids. But the trouble is once I make it then because of my poor, you don't waste food up-bringing, I have to eat it.