which way do i turn?

So i started MFP on 28th Nov 2011, So far i have lost 8kilos. For the past 4 weeks i have hit plateau.
I jump up and down within a kilo range and i am still eating my 1200cals still excercising but no change.
I have uped my intensity, i have changed routines and even tried to change my cals up but still getting nowhere.
I dont know where to turn anymore :(


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    without having your diary open, we can only give generic advice, like stop eating processed foods, and watch your sodium.

    do you eat your exercise calories?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    try figuring out your BMR and eating that, instead of 1200 cals. Most people have a BMR above 1200. Not all, but most.

    A BMR is a basal metabolic rate. It is the amount of calories your body uses to stay alive. Not to walk around and have a normal day. Just to simply be alive at all, as if you were in a coma. Eating at least this many calories helps your body function in the best way it can.

    You can look up your BMR on this website. Just click on tools, then BMR, and enter in your info.
  • yeh i have tried that,

    I eat alot of fruit as snacks and vege for dinner also