
rgthomas Posts: 7 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I am fairly new to this site, and I must say I really like it. My problem is one many people have - I struggle to keep my blood glucose under tight control, and I always seem to fall short of that goal. I am very overweight - always have been, even as a child. My doctor has informed me that I have now developed a resistance to insulin, and put me on a total of four shots daily, which includes both a fast acting insulin and a slower acting one. I count carbs, which I find maddening! So many "healthy" foods, I am finding out, are loaded with these little critters that make my glucose levels soar. I was raised to believe that fruits, for instance, are good for you. Not for me! I love milk, but even skim has lots of carbs. I am 53 years old, raised on a farm where my husband and I and our two sons still live, work, and play. I am an old fashioned cook who was taught that big meals are a necessity. They actually did used to be a necessity - we ate a big breakfast, worked hard on the farm, had a small dinner, worked the rest of the day, and had a huge supper. By then it was bedtime. I am slowly but surely breaking THAT habit, but I have such difficulty with meal planning. Anybody out there got any ideas, anybody going through the same thing? I'd love to hear from you! By the way, I have managed to lose 23 lbs since I started this daily log 5 weeks ago - that makes me happy, but I sure wish my glucose levels would stay steady! Thanks, everybody, for letting me vent!


  • rgthomas
    rgthomas Posts: 7 Member
    I am fairly new to this site, and I must say I really like it. My problem is one many people have - I struggle to keep my blood glucose under tight control, and I always seem to fall short of that goal. I am very overweight - always have been, even as a child. My doctor has informed me that I have now developed a resistance to insulin, and put me on a total of four shots daily, which includes both a fast acting insulin and a slower acting one. I count carbs, which I find maddening! So many "healthy" foods, I am finding out, are loaded with these little critters that make my glucose levels soar. I was raised to believe that fruits, for instance, are good for you. Not for me! I love milk, but even skim has lots of carbs. I am 53 years old, raised on a farm where my husband and I and our two sons still live, work, and play. I am an old fashioned cook who was taught that big meals are a necessity. They actually did used to be a necessity - we ate a big breakfast, worked hard on the farm, had a small dinner, worked the rest of the day, and had a huge supper. By then it was bedtime. I am slowly but surely breaking THAT habit, but I have such difficulty with meal planning. Anybody out there got any ideas, anybody going through the same thing? I'd love to hear from you! By the way, I have managed to lose 23 lbs since I started this daily log 5 weeks ago - that makes me happy, but I sure wish my glucose levels would stay steady! Thanks, everybody, for letting me vent!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome MFP, the greatest website ever. You will love it here. I do. I find this site so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • I bet that is very frustrating. As a vegetarian, I tend to eat a lot of carbs because they make up pieces of my protein sources, so I understand how hard carbs are to avoid. Obviously this site is working well for you. Congrats on the 23 lbs! I would recommend that you also get your hands on information from the American Diabetes Association because they have complete diet plans which you could use in conjunction with this site.

    Having lost my very dear grandmother to diabetes-related health problems, I know how serious a disease it is.

    I hope that your glucose levels start evening out with your new insulin schedule. I wish you good health!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Welcome!!:flowerforyou: My grandmother and two of my aunts have diabetes so I know it can be a trial. There is a diabetes support group here and they may be able to help you more.
  • I have Type 1 diabetes. Insulin resistant. I take 5 shots a day if you don't include any snacks. 2 morning, 1 each meal, and 1 at bedtime. I know what you are going through. I have found since I started this site that exercising is really brining down my glucose readings. As much as a biggin' like me hates to admit it, exercise really helps. I also read somewhere that exercise helps curb your appetite which I believe is true.
    If you aren't already, try walking when your glucose is really high for 20 minutes fast pace. 2 hours later check it. You might see a decline.
  • awinmac
    awinmac Posts: 30
    My Dad was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I found a book for him in the library by Dr. Neal Barnard called Plan for reversing diabetes, or something similar to that. You can find it advertised on some vegan websites because it advocates a vegan diet. Yeah, scarey I know but if it helps I figure it's worth it. Apparently it is 3 times more effective than any commonly prescribed diet for controlling diabetes. I think the main points are whole grains, unsweetened drinks, tons of vegetables, no dairy foods and low fat meat alternates, tofu, beans peas etc. Also Vegetarian support nutritional yeast is supposed to be very helpful. Check it out.
    By the way congratulations on the weight loss. That is fantastic!
    good luck

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'm caliecat and I am a, diabetic 2. I also have to to take 4 shorts a day. We have a support group here that just got started. Would love for you to join us and maybe we can help each other out. here is the link:


    will be looking for you.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hi-- my daughter is type 1-- juvenile diabetes-- and we've had to educate ourselves quickly about "good" carbs and "bad" ones--

    All so many of us knew was to stay away from "sugar." So, my dad who is type 2 would sit and eat a whole box of sugar free cookies thinking he's doing something good-- uh, no, Dad-- that's not how it works.

    Yes, fruits have carbs-- need to count 'em and watch 'em-- potatoes, rice-- we've noticed her blood sugar stays a bit higher than normal after some proteins, too-- makes no sense.

    Bottom line all foods will elevate your blood sugar, it's just that certain carbs (complex ones-- bad ones-- cookies, breads, that kinda crud) spikes it rapidly, which is a no-no. (yes, I know my ability to pass on any medical information is unparallelled-- )

    You can't go wrong with veggies, though-- stick to the simple carbs in fruits, whole grain stuff, lean protein in moderation--

    Good luck-- congrats on the weight loss.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    bumpinf this to refered back to.
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