Going Vegetarian, Can you give any suggestions

Hello Friends,

Feel like going Vegetarian. Need some kinds words and direction on where to start.

I have already incorporated 2-3 times a week with vegetarian eat's but need more info.

: ) let me know if you can help : ) thanks


  • Chelsea506
    I became a vegetarian 4 years ago. I did it cold turkey just because thats how I work personally but I think the way your are choosing to do it is great too. What are your reasons for wanting to do so? I became a vegetarian because I did a lot of reading and realized that the idea of putting decomposing animal flesh in my body was just not for me. I was vegan for a while as well I needed to try what worked for me health wise as well as mind set wise. After a couple years playing with my diet...I am the most balanced as a pescetarian. I eat fish. I still stay away from milk, most cheese, and only eat egg whites. Thats just what I feel comfortable with..many people will ask why, argue with you or say that doesn't make sense. I eat what I eat and you should do the same. Good Luck!
  • Jamiegirl2009
    Jamiegirl2009 Posts: 98 Member
    Yes what feels better for me and my family.

    Well to be honest I have wanted to do this for a while because when I think of what I am putting in my mouth, it really just turns my stomach.

    Plus my lilbaby girl (20 months old) does not like eating meat and I dont' blame her. We have been eating alot of beans to make up for the lack of protein etc.

    I just want to eat clean.

    : )