

  • lisaslim1976
    my mum didnt know she was pregnant with me until she went into labour!:happy: Surprise!!!!
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    When I was 14 I thought "silent sam" was a weird term for a quiet fart. Turns out it's a type of Vodka.

    oh yeah, I appeared worldly ;)
  • carlie_carl
    Something no one would have guessed? Hmm...that I'm really not that shy once you get to know me? Ha :D

    Random fact: Up until I was 14, I had assumed that porn was a type of Japanese lamb stew LOL. Hey, I grew up isolated and went to a school with only 400 kids in grades K-8, and had only heard the term a couple times *sniffle* ahaha

    this made the term LOL applicable, haha Imagine going to a Japanese restaraunt and asking for porn lol
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i'v always secretly known that if i ever met robbie gee, he'd instantly know i was the one for him lol (& i'm 43!)
  • KJVBear33
    Random fact........I used to be an active sleeper.........and when you are a heavy sleeper as well and you have a single bed, that isn't a good combo.....LOL!! Mom told me that when I was younger, they would.......at some point in time........hear a BUMP!! from above where my room was. I'd fall off the bed and wake up on the floor. Yes.......that's right! I would NOT wake up from falling out of bed and would wonder why I was on the floor!!

    And the one thing people don't know about me? Its that I love poetry........I love to write and have often been told that I write beautifully. I, on the other hand, am often more critical of my works than the people who read them.
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I was talked into visiting a nude resort with a female friend of mine in the past,what a thrill.
  • DominoFrost
    I feel bad having sexy times in front of my fish. I feel like I'm slowly corrupting them.
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I feel bad having sexy times in front of my fish. I feel like I'm slowly corrupting them.

    Thats so funny.:laugh:
  • carlie_carl
    I feel bad having sexy times in front of my fish. I feel like I'm slowly corrupting them.

    hahahaha you will soon know if you have a new school of fish in the tank lol.
  • DominoFrost
    I feel bad having sexy times in front of my fish. I feel like I'm slowly corrupting them.

    hahahaha you will soon know if you have a new school of fish in the tank lol.

    If I look in my tank and see a new fish, I'll probably cry. I'm more worried about my fish than my three roommates. I'm either going to hell, or going to be a porn star.
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    My legs and my fingers are double jointed. I was born with my feet behind my head.

    Your poor mother.

    She had a c-section. Thank goodness. I couldn't imagine pushing out a baby that was a huge ball lol
  • carlie_carl
    I feel bad having sexy times in front of my fish. I feel like I'm slowly corrupting them.

    hahahaha you will soon know if you have a new school of fish in the tank lol.ill,

    If I look in my tank and see a new fish, I'll probably cry. I'm more worried about my fish than my three roommates. I'm either going to hell, or going to be a porn star.

    haha, nothing wrong with been a celebrity porn star for fish :P still its a possible path to hell so enjoy been an performance artist :D
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    my mum didnt know she was pregnant with me until she went into labour!:happy: Surprise!!!!

    loool my mom convinced my dad for the whole 9 months i was a boy cuz thats what she was told by the doctor ... and yet here i am =P when he first saw me, i was told he looked and then had to turn his head to look again, like a "thats no boy!" kinda turn
  • elcyclista
    Random fact: my leg is really, really numb right now.
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    my mum didnt know she was pregnant with me until she went into labour!:happy: Surprise!!!!

    loool my mom convinced my dad for the whole 9 months i was a boy cuz thats what she was told by the doctor ... and yet here i am =P when he first saw me, i was told he looked and then had to turn his head to look again, like a "thats no boy!" kinda turn

    Same! My parents got the "Here's your new bo- OH MY GOSH IT'S A GIRL!" I was supposed to be a James Allen, but ended up a Jamie-Lynn hahaha.
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    I love penguins and fairys

    I recently just finished my training to become a big sister, for the big brother big sisters of Ireland programme :)
  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    I love PANDAS! They are adorable!

    Random fact: In elementary school, I did a shoot with my friend Erin Freeman for BCBG. And I know a little boy who is so cute and he did a commercial for Macys Christmas in 09 :)
  • whoaeyekneex3
    I never bother doing my nails because the paint gets messed up within 30 minutes anyway...:P
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    i was an extra in the movie Braveheart
  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    i was an extra in the movie Braveheart

    Noooo freakin way! Adding you as a friend...I love Braveheart!