Cool Downs

MissesOfficer Posts: 368
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I hate them! Why are they so important? And do you guys count the cool down as part of your session? ie. 35 mins of aroebics + 5 mins of cool down... is it 35 mins of exercise or 40?


  • I hate them! Why are they so important? And do you guys count the cool down as part of your session? ie. 35 mins of aroebics + 5 mins of cool down... is it 35 mins of exercise or 40?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    hate is a horrible word.....why hate allowing your body to adjust the tempo you are asking from it?

    walking is a cool down...slow jog,,,,

    it depends,,,,if you are using an HRM count it if not,,.,,,forget it

    have fun
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I hate them! Why are they so important? And do you guys count the cool down as part of your session? ie. 35 mins of aroebics + 5 mins of cool down... is it 35 mins of exercise or 40?

    Do you do other exercise after you do your cardio?

    My personal experience is my cardio workout plus the cooldown but I don't go slow I keep up a fast pace to keep my heart rate up then when I am done I hit the weights to maintain my heart rate-

    But if your not doing another form of exercise down than yes you should cool down- it helps just like stretching does.-

    If you want to count it as your total time thats completely up to you.

    Do you have a HRM (heart rate monitor that tracks your heart rate and your calories burned)??
  • Thanks guys... most of the time on the treadmill or elliptical or whatever I do a cool down.. its the stretching cool downs that I don't like... and no I don't have a HRM but they sound like a really good idea!
  • Cool down allows your body and heart rate to recover from your workout. Typically in the first minute you should see a heart rate reduction of 30 beats and after 2 minutes you should see a reduction of 50 beats. Heart rate, whether it is warm up, the workout, or cool down, is the key to loosing fat vs. only burning carbs.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Make friends with stretching. It keeps those muscles long and lean! It also helps prevents injury and all that other good stuff.
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