Best 80's Movies

LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member Top Gun just started and got me thinking...what is your favorite movie from the 80's???

Just to name a few:

Top Gun
The Goonies
Die Hard

And begin...


  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    16 Candles
    Breakfast Club
    The Princess Bride
    Working Girl

    Really, I could on for days.
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    Dirty Dancing <3
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    The Breakfast Club
    Nightmare on Elm Street
    The Neverending Story
    The Goonies
    Weird Science
    Lethal Weapon
  • goonies
    driving miss daisy
    steel magnolias
    uncommon valor
    dirty dancing
    breakfast club
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Top Gun and The Breakfast Club, I can watch both for 20 years and never get board, oh wait I have lol
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    In fact, I almost named my son Maverick, lol
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    A lot on my list have already been named, but I have to throw in Ferris Bueler's Day off
  • Purple Rain!! :D
  • curvy_ca_mama
    curvy_ca_mama Posts: 110 Member
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off!!! :)
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    Dirty Dancing
    The Princess Bride
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    The 80's ....When dinosaurs roamed the earth
  • Poltergist - its a runny joke in the house now that my kids have seen the movie -- when the "TV" says were are u mommy I cant see you mommy! I love that movie and can say it word for word! I'm such a nerd
  • Mikelan
    Mikelan Posts: 27 Member
    Red Dawn
    Coming to America
    Maximum Overdrive
    Karate Kid

    ..and the ones named already

    these were all good, especially as a kid
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    Better Off Dead
    Beverly Hills Cop
    The Howling
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    A lot on my list have already been named, but I have to throw in Ferris Bueler's Day off
    LOVE that movie
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Breakfast club, Fast Time at Ridgemont High, Weird Science, Back to the Future, Uncle Buck, Pretty In Pink, Scrooged, Big, Splash, Teen Witch lol
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    Splash! "The LITTLE boat??"
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Dirty Dancing
    Big Trouble in Little China
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Moving (Richard Pryor)
    The Burbs
    All John Hughes
    All Back to the Future movies
    Beetle Juice
    Earth Girls Are Easy

    ...and so many more from then!!
  • Definitely Ferris Beuller's Day Off.....CLASSIC!!! lol