Busy Weekends = Crazy Eating Habits

So, I'm hoping that I'm not the only one who has this issue. Or maybe I'm hoping that I am, becase it's SUPER frustrating. I have a fitness/ diet plan going on for myself, but I seem to destroy all of my week's progress through crazy eating on the weekend. This can be for many reasons (typically work, but this weekend a group of friends and I went to eat dinner and see a movie for my room mate's birthday). Amongst this weekend's horrible eating temptations was a buffet of chinese food, and movie theatre popcorn with chocolate covered raisins on the side. Even after working out long enough to burn my breakfast calories AND give myself an extra 200 calories for my daily limit, I still exceeded my 1300 calorie limit by 1750 calories in one night. Ouch. Normally on the weekends, the dining hall where I eat has not so regular hours. (A couple hours in the morning, and a couple at night) This makes it hard to fuel for my weekend workouts, and for goin to the job.
This never ceases to disappoint because during the week I follow a strict 1200-1300 calorie diet religiously and work out daily. I know that these busy weekends are keeping my from losing my last 25 lbs. Any suggestions?


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    You might need to reconfigure your social activities a bit, for example meeting your friends at the theater and heading home right after the movie - at least until you can better control your decisions on what to eat. Also, some people have improved their weight loss after easing off on their weekday-strictness in cases where that strictness led to weekend binging. Good luck.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I found when I first started losing weight that I had to become a little anti social for a while, just until I got strict enough with myself that I would not be naughty when out with friends etc and eating better had become a routine rather than something that I actively thought about