Piercings ?



  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    It is. Most painful thing I've ever chosen to do LOL! :laugh:

    Dude, don't ever try a PA, that's all I gotta say... unless you don't have a problem with 5 to 6 seconds of intense pain :bigsmile:
    I think nipples take longer to heal, therefore the pain is prolonged unlike a PA.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i am ok with most anything for guys, as long as there is moderation. i don't like heavily piierced faces, or ears for that matter.and not a huge fan of larger gauges. but who knows, neither of the guys i dated had any piercings at all, not even an ear.

    i have a few, my nose, my right nipple, two in each ear lobe as well as an indusstrial. i also had one eyebrow done but took it out after 5 years as it had started to migrate. of all of those, the ony one i would not do again is the industrial. that bugger hurt! it hurt so much and was such a pain to get to heal (took a year and a half at least) that i am never taking it out. and that's even compared to the tat i have on my back, directly over my spine that took 2 1/2 hrs to do. gimme one of those again, but please not another industrial. lol
  • pornstarzombie
    Nipples take an extremely long time to heal. They catch on things, get irritated a lot from rubbing against either your shirt or your bra. I got mine done last April, and they are JUST getting to the point they don't get angry with every little catch. Sea Salt with warm water in a shot glass is your frieeenndddd.

    I slid off my horse one time, just let my stomach and consequently my chest slide down the saddle. Learned my lesson. hah
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    At least after getting yours done you didn't have to wear a bra every day!

    I still had to wear rubbing clothes!
    Dude, don't ever try a PA, that's all I gotta say... unless you don't have a problem with 5 to 6 seconds of intense pain :bigsmile:
    I think nipples take longer to heal, therefore the pain is prolonged unlike a PA.

    I don't ever intend to do that. I like it as it is and its staying that way LOL!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Nipples take an extremely long time to heal. They catch on things, get irritated a lot from rubbing against either your shirt or your bra. I got mine done last April, and they are JUST getting to the point they don't get angry with every little catch. Sea Salt with warm water in a shot glass is your frieeenndddd.

    I slid off my horse one time, just let my stomach and consequently my chest slide down the saddle. Learned my lesson. hah

    I hit mine with a 60kg dumbbell last week. I didn't cry honestly, my eyes weren't glistening, honest. Don't intend to do that again quickly :laugh:
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
  • pornstarzombie

    I hit mine with a 60kg dumbbell last week. I didn't cry honestly, my eyes weren't glistening, honest. Don't intend to do that again quickly :laugh:

    Oohh ouch ouch ouch. :laugh:

    I have almost waist length hair, I somehow got it caught up in one during a shower. I had a few choice words, was ready to chop the hair off.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Oohh ouch ouch ouch. :laugh:

    I have almost waist length hair, I somehow got it caught up in one during a shower. I had a few choice words, was ready to chop the hair off.

    OUCH , I know that one! Thats a fav of the misses - lie on my chest and move away quickly with hair wrapped around the nip. Ouch! :sick:

    Another fav is taking my top off and forgetting about the eyebrow piercing and about ripping it off. Or doing that reflex movement you do when tired of rubbing your face up or down and pulling it up with my right thumb! :frown:
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I love them, i have ten (looking at me you wouldnt think im some crazy piercing nut! i love them cause you can incorperate them into tatoos to make them a bit different. i currently have 5 on my wrist in the shape of the southern cross.
    Ive seen people to dragons eyes, koi fishes eyes with gemmed dermal, best invention ever
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I think I'm too old for male piercings. I'll keep my four for a few more years. 30 is kind of the cut off.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    personally anything goes....there was a guy once with a prince albert.....its his choice you know.

    other than that there have been eyebrows and tunnels and tongues (bit wierd when i have one too) and noses and that dip in your chin just under you bottom lip..whatever thats called :)

    Labret, and that is my personal favorite male piercing.
  • emilysmellz
    emilysmellz Posts: 85 Member
    mostly because I am a piercing nut.
    it depends on how they can pull them off, face wise.
    but if they look like a big goof, sorry but just take that out and try again.
    get one more suitable for your face type.

    but i think nipple piercings are always nice.
    and below..those are nice too.
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    Love my neck piercings, dermals. <3