Recovery or Rest Day Question

At this stage of my weight loss quest (about to start week 3 and still have 50 pounds to go)... I'm an hour of cardio per day. Odd days are elliptical trainer, even days are jogging/walking (started out with me walking more than jogging, now I can jog for the entire hour!).

So I was reading in various places that even cardio requires a rest/recovery day. Decided to make that day Sunday's for me. Now here's my question... can I still go for a nice stroll with a friend around my neighborhood this afternoon? How about doing an hour of beginning yoga with my daughter?

Thanks for any advice.

Oh. I do know weight training is a critical part of losing and keeping off the weight. I decided to add that component in March for various reasons.


  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    The rest day is primarily about doing non-intensive w/outs or just taking a day off. IMO Yoga or a nice walk are perfect way to recover, just don't break into a jog lol.

  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    the thing is with weightloss, you CAN do whatever works for you
    taking a rest day is necessary, it gives your muscles time to rest, and rebuild, it's often something that people overlook.
    taking a stroll..a long one even, would be fine..and the yoga might actually be a good idea. the more 'stretching' you do, to lengthen those worked-out muscles, the better!
    enjoy your day! :)
  • shariTN
    Definitely go! A slow leisurely walk is an excellent recovery. I love to walk at our state park. Very therapeutic!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    yes go for stroll and enjoy yourself! the rest day is just not an intense workout, or weight lifting so your muscles can rest and recover. :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yep! Rest doesn't mean "bedridden." Enjoy a nice walk and some stretching.
  • MsFat2Fit
    Fantastic for one hour of jogging!!! On the rest day I'd do 'regular' activities; walking would be fine... I think it's just important to keep a heart rate down (not super power walking). Most of the yogas don't put my heart rate up (unless ashtanga, hot) so that would be fine as well...

    Enjoy your Sunday off!!!
  • speedmuffin
    I do the same thing as you, and I run in college. I usually have practice to two hours everyday (although not all of it is running) and I take Sundays off from running just to give my muscles a break. It's good for you, and you really don't lose any amount of fitness unless you take more than two or three days off. Sometimes, however, I play basketball or soccer with my friends on my days off--nothing too intense, just a little bit of fun and exercise for a day off. So taking a stroll is good, and yoga is excellent for loosening tight muscles and recovery.
  • dapz123
    Hey as long as your rest day doesn't extend into Monday giving you two rest days (believe me it is so easy to fall into that pattern) then I think that you should be fine. Regular walks in the evening are good and upping it to a slow paced jog would do wonders for you.
  • pornstarzombie
    Even on my days off I sometimes like to do some things, like a small walk. I am in school Monday and Wednesday and sitting on my tush for 10 hours, but I usually go home and do the 30DS.

    You can burn yourself out if you go gung-ho 24/7 without any breaks. Last year from April until August I worked out EVERY day, and by the time September rolled around I was sick of it.

    Plus like others said, your body needs time to recovery. But I don't see how a small walk around the neighborhood would be detrimental.
  • daisydieter
    Thanks everyone... enjoyed a lovely stroll. :)