What else are you adding to your weight loss journey?

So you're eating better and exercising! What else are you doing to contribute to your overall wellness that you did not do before?


  • drinking lots of water and not drinking any sodas
  • I only drink water or milk, all soda and tea are out of my diet. I have also been willing to try different food and cut out majority of processed foods. If it comes in a box it better be broth or an ingredient for a recipe. So I have also been cooking more than I used to.
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    no alcohol. no cigarettes. no caffeine. no soda. :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I have almost completely eliminated soda intake. I have always washed my face, but this past week I started using a clarisonic facial cleaning system. After 2 days, I saw a friend of mine after a week and she noticed my makeup looked so much better on how it lays on my face. So, it started making a real difference.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    Taking more me time. I have 3 kids and for a while didn't do anything for myself. So now I read at night, relax in the tub, or go get my nails done now and then
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    I keep my eating, exercise and medicines all on a schedule. I can tell within 24 hours if I have done something wrong.

    I truly believed the "Thyroid Excuse" for being overweight was just that. Until I was diagnosed and it took five years and 50+lbs added to my body to make me a believer. Now I have NFALD also. Your thryoid and liver are key to staying fit and healthy. Sometimes even the healthiest people get sick because of heredity and/or the environment. If you are exercising and eating properly consistently and not feeling healthy (or loosing weght if you need to) see your doctor and get tested quickly. It takes a long time for the doctors to listen and longer for a proper treatment plan to be found. Tracking my medicines along with food and exercise and how I felt daily gives me the tools to actually talk to my doctor and show him whats happening.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    My biggest problem were always sweets and pasta. I am an emotional eater and that can be very frustrating.
    I am trying to sort out my issues with stress by reading, meditating and talking to people who have similar problems.

    I don't drink Coca cola and other "bad" drinks. I never did, really.

    I am very lucky to have my best friend dieting with me. Mutual support is very important.

    I don't eat processed food,. Organic food taste so much better. I will finally make veggie garden this year. :)
    Oh and I only use natural cosmetics that wasn't tested on animals and has all the right "eco" certificates.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Since I've eliminated most caffeine, I've been sleeping great! 7-8 hours a night and I actually wake up before my alarm, ready to start my day!

    I've also found out just how much processed sugar was a factor in my chronic headaches. I'm not completely off it, but eating way way less and no longer deal with daily headaches. If I mess up and have a high sugar day, I pay for it the next day. Great motivation to stay on track!
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Wow... amazing changes!

    I religiously start my day with either lemon water or apple cider vinegar.
    I dry skin brush my body twice a day.
    I moisturise my whole body every day.
    Cold shower after hot shower every day.
    Sleep more ...... Zzzzzzzz
    Eat 90 Raw, 10 Meat
    No processed foods - never did in any case :)

    All good - feeling brilliant! :smooched:
  • tagben
    tagben Posts: 72
    Drink tons of water and I cut lot of alcohol! I work in a industry were champagne, wine and alcohol are flying all day long! it was just part of my daily intake, now I have gone week at a time without not even a sip!
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 90 Member
    Taking my time more seriously in general. In order to eat well and exercise my day has become more stream lined and I find I have more time and energy to do the things I love. I've always been a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal. If I said I would do something and didn't feel like it I'd just do something else. Chores would be left undone til it was wash a plate or eat out of tupperware(embarrassing), the book I was reading would be collecting dust, hanging out with friends would be a distraction as opposed to just a pleasure. I was not happy. Now I find my life is more balanced. Adding the goal of getting healthy has enriched my life. I am still spontaneous and flexible but not to the point where I neglect myself. So I would say balance is something I have added to my weight loss journey.
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Drink tons of water and I cut lot of alcohol! I work in a industry were champagne, wine and alcohol are flying all day long! it was just part of my daily intake, now I have gone week at a time without not even a sip!

    I have cut alcohol out of my life for now. Nearly 5 weeks with nothing to drink but water, herbal teas & veggie juice! :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    More me time! I'm taking the time to help my spiritual side again. I'm trying to meditate or do yoga every day. I'm trying to get back to spending time with my friends, and not just at school. And not forcing myself to be 100% perfect on the diet. Once in a while, you do need some chocolate! Anything that boosts my spirits is a high priority for me now. Exercise definitely is a boost. Lots of water, to flush all the toxins generated by losing weight.
  • Vickied84
    Vickied84 Posts: 327 Member
    I only drink water or milk, all soda and tea are out of my diet. I have also been willing to try different food and cut out majority of processed foods. If it comes in a box it better be broth or an ingredient for a recipe. So I have also been cooking more than I used to.

    Yes this exactly for me too. I hardly ever cooked and had processed food nearly daily. I won't even eat at my parets house if they are having boxed or frozen foods now. I was always a water drinker but I've increased that by doubling what I typically would drink.
  • itsablondething
    itsablondething Posts: 28 Member
    Stick to organic only dairy products ( made a HUGE difference in female problems), and use raw milk where I can (legal in PA)
    90% plus of all produce purchased is organic (make exception for the clean 15, avoid the dirty dozen like the plague)
    Make my own yogurt (better control of ingredients)
    Drink DandyBlend instead of coffee (an herbal blend that tastes amazingly like coffee)
    Big jug of green tea in the fridge
    Walk to and from work
    95% (or greater) of what I eat is non processed
    Eat food in season, and bought as close to me as possible to have best, freshest produce and meat.
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Stick to organic only dairy products ( made a HUGE difference in female problems), and use raw milk where I can (legal in PA)
    90% plus of all produce purchased is organic (make exception for the clean 15, avoid the dirty dozen like the plague)
    Make my own yogurt (better control of ingredients)
    Drink DandyBlend instead of coffee (an herbal blend that tastes amazingly like coffee)
    Big jug of green tea in the fridge
    Walk to and from work
    95% (or greater) of what I eat is non processed
    Eat food in season, and bought as close to me as possible to have best, freshest produce and meat.

    Ditto! :wink:
  • Being nicer to myself emotionally. I have this horrible tendency to feel guilty about everything and beat myself up (especially about my appearance).
  • jworb
    jworb Posts: 146 Member
    Cut out soda 2 months ago, and am also trying to take better care of myself by taking better care of my home. I've never been a natural housekeeper, but when my home is clean and pleasant I feel more relaxed and happier. I've been trying to incorporate the FLYlady system (http://flylady.com/) of using babysteps to develop good housekeeping habits.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    drinking more water, especially at work (I now carry a water bottle all the time)
    cooking more than going out
    managing stress better, leaving more work at work, and using my at-home time for me
    growing my own vegetables in the summer
  • mamasasa
    mamasasa Posts: 90 Member
    Wow... amazing changes!

    I religiously start my day with either lemon water or apple cider vinegar.
    I dry skin brush my body twice a day.
    I moisturise my whole body every day.
    Cold shower after hot shower every day.
    Sleep more ...... Zzzzzzzz
    Eat 90 Raw, 10 Meat
    No processed foods - never did in any case :)

    All good - feeling brilliant! :smooched:

    You reminded me to pull out my dry brush! I have also added meditation...even doing walking meditation is great! And putting more art and creativity back into my life. Generally feeding my mind with positivity, exercising and giving respect to my body and honoring my spirit. All about balance :-) (As a Mum it is so easy to put ourselves last)

    Happy and healthy today,