Dissapointing--How long did it take before



  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    If someone is around you a lot they may not notice your weight loss. Also, weight is a touchy subject to bring up sometimes...So that may be another reason they didn't mention it.
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Congratulations! I understand what you are going through. In the last 9 months, only a few have commented on my over 60 lb wt loss. I went to a conference a few weeks ago and have not seen these folks since I started my weight loss. They were very complimentary...how young I look, how good my skin was, how good I looked. I shared my new lifestyle change and am supporting 6 people on their journey to a healthier new lifestyle...other than my son, no family members commented on my weight loss...bummers! But like you said, I'm doing it for me.

    Keep going, you are doing GREAT! :wink:
  • Jweb8969
    Jweb8969 Posts: 136 Member
    i just read something that said it will take you 4 weeks to notice a difference - friends and family 8 weeks to notice a difference - and everyone else 12 weeks to notice a difference ~ :/ ~ seems discouraging, but i'm gonna keep going and see if this is true!

    hang in there!! :flowerforyou:

  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    A lot of people said things like " you look really well " and then I'd reply " yeah I've lost over 3 stone in weight " and then they'd say "yes, I really thought you'd lost weight!". My dad visited and didn't say a word to me until I nearly screamed at him "Can't you tell I've lost weight?!"

    The other thing you have to remember is that a lot of people are wrapped up in themselves and their own lives and aren't that observant! Try not to take it to heart, a lot of the time they have noticed but just don't acknowledge it for whatever reason. As long as you can see your progress, that is the main thing - I'm sure the compliments will follow and why not tell your family what you're doing and your success to date and tell them you'd really appreciate it if they would support you.

    Good luck :)