Excerises to build up booty w/ no knee pressure?

Sorry for the misspelling in the title, I was rushing!

So I want to build up muscles and tone my booty so it is as round and cute and tones possible but all of the moves I have seen put a ton of pressure on my knees and that is something I can't do. I have very bad knees from an accident years ago that tend to dislocate on their own especially with moves like squats and lunges.

Are there any I can do at home that won't put a ton of pressure on my knees? I don't go to the gym, can't afford that right now so if there is something I can do at home that would be great!


  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'd say swimming - no weight bearing required. :) It's a great all round work out and you could add your legs 'straight' so no knee bending. :) If you needed to you could even swim without using them but obviously that wouldn't help as much. It's great for weight loss and you may find aqua classes like zumba or aerobics where they can modify for injuries. These are great fun! I did one with my last pregnancy and found myself giggling as much as exercising.

    at home I'm not so sure, sorry. There is a good site though www.bodybuilding.com which you can choose the muscle you want to work and it shows you videos etc, you can choose body weight too so no weights needed..

    Hope this helps a little.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Just learned this in class last week. Get yourself one of thos big jumbo balance balls. You can sit on the ball and bounce, and it mimmicks the effects of doing squats. How do I know? Since I couldn't do the floor work (I got bad knees too) she made me bounce on the ball. It definitely felt like I did 100 squats by the time I got finished. The ball is also very good for ab work.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    You can do things to extend your leg backward without any knee involvement. I bought some resistance bands, you can hook them up to a door, or get the kind that just wraps around your legs and extend the leg back, while at a standing position. You could also do lifts by laying on your stomach on the floor and pulling your leg upward. I'll see if I can find some illustrations so it makes more sense.
  • SexyLexy83

  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member


    It's just a way of saving a thread in your topics to read or respond to later!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
  • BoxingCoachMo
    the only excercise i can think of is leg lifts...

    hands and knees on the floor.... lift your leg as high and far back as you can... hold and bring back slowly...

    Also for your upper leg... sit on a chair and extend the legs... hold and repeat
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Just learned this in class last week. Get yourself one of thos big jumbo balance balls. You can sit on the ball and bounce, and it mimmicks the effects of doing squats. How do I know? Since I couldn't do the floor work (I got bad knees too) she made me bounce on the ball. It definitely felt like I did 100 squats by the time I got finished. The ball is also very good for ab work.

    Hmm... I wouldn't of thought of that! How long did you have to do it for?
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    That's why I love it here! The suggestions are awesome so I think I will get the bands with the ankle attachment and go to town. The floor moves sound good to, I'll try those as well. I am scared to bounce on those exercise balls because I am always scared my big butt is going to bust it wide open by bouncing on it.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Look up bridges on you tube
  • CSummers316
    I use those big exercise balls when I do my ab workout days at the gym, and I am HUGE (gettin less huge though). If they don't pop under my big ol booty, you will be fine on em. And as a side note, for low impact on the knees that will work out your booty, you can try a high incline on an elliptical trainer.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 166 Member
  • pornstarzombie
    Hip Bridges are absolutely amazzzinnnggg, my butt and hams are dying by the time I'm done doing them. To make it harder, you can lift one leg up while you're doing them.

    Donkey Kicks are also really good. :)
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Awesome ... I just started using a gaim exercise ball chair at my desk ... what a great way to work the booty!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Stand behind a chair, make sure you don't move your upper body, (put your hand on your backside so you can feel your gluts tighten to be sure you aren't using your back muscles) raise your foot up and back slowly. The movement is like shutting a door with your foot when your back is turned to the door. This will strengthen your gluts and can be done anywhere as long as you can keep your back from moving (grocery store lines, talking on the phone, doing dishes, any time you are just "standing around" ) My chiropractor told me that this will not only not hurt your knee, but it will take pressure off your knee because your gluts will be stronger and do their job better. Win-win!
  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    Hip Bridges are fantastic.... Personally I add the 25 lb medicine ball to the mix and try for extended bridges... (hold ur booty tight as long as possible!) Also the suggestions about using the exercise ball are great too... but, with bad knees be careful as the balancing aspect of just sitting on/against the ball can be tricky.

    I use it, but, i sometimes support it against a wall or in a corner to assist with stability until my stabilizer muscles are adept at keeping my balance.
    It's also good to plank against the ball.... good for the core muscles and the glutes/hams
    Even just standing facing the wall, hands flat against it to balance, stand comfortably and point one foot back as far/high back as you can...hold...switch...repeat....you get the picture

    honestly? it doesn't matter WHAT you do....so long as you DO something! Right?? :)
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Just learned this in class last week. Get yourself one of thos big jumbo balance balls. You can sit on the ball and bounce, and it mimmicks the effects of doing squats. How do I know? Since I couldn't do the floor work (I got bad knees too) she made me bounce on the ball. It definitely felt like I did 100 squats by the time I got finished. The ball is also very good for ab work.

    Hmm... I wouldn't of thought of that! How long did you have to do it for?
    I was on the ball for a total of 10 minutes. About 5 minutes pseudo squats and 5 minutes ab work.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    That's why I love it here! The suggestions are awesome so I think I will get the bands with the ankle attachment and go to town. The floor moves sound good to, I'll try those as well. I am scared to bounce on those exercise balls because I am always scared my big butt is going to bust it wide open by bouncing on it.

    Don't be afraid of the ball Mo!! I'm quite a bit bigger than you and a few of the girls in my class are quite a bit bigger than me, and we have no problem with the balls at all. You have to wear your sneakers and maybe use an exercise mat under the ball to make sure it doesn't slip on you. The key is to take your time and get comfortable with the ball. As you become more comfortable, you'll do more things with it.