my diet concerns for some members of mfp



  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    I think what works for weight loss is different for different people. I feel deprived if I don't have a yummy dessert most days of the week, so I plan for it. They're definitely empty calories, and I have gone over, and my weight loss isn't super fast like some people (I'm losing about half a pound a week). However, the scale is moving in the right direction and it's what works for me.

    As far as the people eating very few calories, I think that would be difficult to maintain. People will never stop looking for quick weight loss fixes, but a lifestyle change is what will stick!
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    I think what happens is that people think of getting "fit" in terms of just losing weight and not building lean mass.
  • beckyannj
    beckyannj Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks maximal life for the insight. I found on the weeks I ate my exercise calories, I did lose more weight! Seems easier to maintain this as a lifestyle this way.
  • LynneWyre
    LynneWyre Posts: 20 Member
    Okay! I didn't know that you can make your diary public, or how to see others. That was what I was asking.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Thanks maximal life for the insight. I found on the weeks I ate my exercise calories, I did lose more weight! Seems easier to maintain this as a lifestyle this way.
    Great! More is less sometimes.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So I was told if you do eat your exercise calories - it defeats the purpose. Obviously your heart likes it, but if you do eat your exercise calories - will you not lose weight? I am sort of confused about those numbers. I get that if you burn more calories than you eat - you will lose weight - but doesn't MFP calculate that original calorie count to lose whatever you want a week - and shouldn't you continue to lose that even if you eat your exercise calories? I honestly don't know.

    Maxima explained it well. I used a lot more words and number in a blog post, but it's the same thing:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Hi guys

    I have a few concerns regarding people and what i have seen in their diaries, as follows:

    1. MFP gives everyone a target daily calorific intake to reach a certain weight, now eating well below this or the net effect of excercising and eating being well below this target... surely the individual will tend to lose more lean tissue than actual fat?

    e.g. should a person who's goal is to consume 1200 calories, but they burn 600 excercising then actually eat 1800 calories?

    2. Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?

    Sorry if this comes across wrong but i am genuinely concerned for people.

    Good and interesting post! I actually never used the calories required by MFP but the advice of someone who calculated my needs based on my workout, activity, etc. One thing I see is people working out burning over 1,000 calories and only eating maybe 900 total!
  • LynneWyre
    LynneWyre Posts: 20 Member
    I'll take any advice I can get! Love to hear different ideas, thoughts, and helpful hints.
    Thanks and keep them coming!
  • BeautifulIllusion19
    I think you should mind your own business. I can't stand when other people make a point to nit-pick what other people are eating. If you don't like it, we'll tough.
  • CoffeeAndCrazy
    CoffeeAndCrazy Posts: 10 Member
    I and my personal friends here have/still do struggle with eating disorders. We may be some of the diaries you see (the few of us that actually let people see what we eat, because we're ashamed that we eat at all). So yeah...our eating habits are worrisome. But we're eating. Anything at all is better than nothing. And we support each other here. Just my personal 2 cents :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    As others have said worry about yourself.

    I see a lot on here that worries me deeply but unless they're asking for help I don't offer advice. I've dropped friends who go off at the slightest question about how they're doing something.

    I've also had it from the other end. I had a 'well meaning' person contact me to tell me I was losing weight too quickly and unless I slowed it down I would put it back on. (mind you I'd lost 16lbs in a month when I started at 300lbs...) I cried all night. It truly upset me. I won't do that to someone.

    Ultimatly you don't know their situation, you don't know their life so unless you're asked for help (either through a status or forum thread) BUTT OUT.
  • melrose09
    I think a lot of people seem to get wrapped up in weight loss alone and forget about being healthy. But since they are seeing results in the numbers, they keep doing what they are doing. It's just a hard thing to tell to rethink their habits when to them, it it working great. But it is kind of you to worry about the health of others :)
  • LemonDiva
    Thanks for raising this topic...

    For me the key word in this issue is Community... surely MFP is a supportive Community and if I ask you to be 'Friend' I am asking you to read my diary and comment if you see where i may be going wrong.

    What I read here is that some of you do not want or appreciate that kind of support... good to know... I guess!

    But fair warning...
    If I am asked to friend/ support someone I am going to try and do that... but i will not be party to affirming anyone for self abuse...

    I agree its the individual's choice to starve... "to support Ana" I believe is the phrase... however might be best to keep it private. Please don't seek my approval or support for what appears to be unhealthy behaviours because I cannot do that for you ...I care too much..
    Written with the best of intensions...
  • Kyliechristie
    Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?

    I totally agree about this one. You see lots of people living on lollies & biscuits and are losing weight just because they are under their calorie goal. I have been there too and even though you lose weight you still feel like crap and are just a skinnier version of your old fat self. We need to focus more on the quality of the food and we will gain the shape we want also.
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    Every human being is a work in progress. What person does or eats today may be totally different than yesterday or tomorrow. Leading is better than pushing. Setting a good example is better than spewing criticism. Loving concern is better than apathy. The trick is to find balance and insight when we care enough to speak up. Just a few thoughts that crossed my mind while reading this thread. :flowerforyou:
  • carrotstick2012
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    i understand your concern. i have a hard time congratulating someone for being under their calorie goal for the day when i look at their food log and it's all fast food and garbage day after day. i just say they may be losing weight since weight loss is at it's most basic a math game, but they're definitely cheating themselves out of HEALTH in the long run.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I have to admit, I'm glad someone broached this subject... I try to never make negative comments on here because, let's face it, it's unsolicited. However, I do have genuine concerns for some people. Maybe I should vocalize them but it’s just not in my nature... I might consider raising my voice in the future though...
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I think you should mind your own business. I can't stand when other people make a point to nit-pick what other people are eating. If you don't like it, we'll tough.

    :heart: :laugh:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I take your point, a lot of people (me included) could be eating better quality food, or more food (I'm not in that group!).

    But, unless you know the person and their background, you have no way of telling where they are on their journey - it may be that eating a chicken burger from McDonalds is so much healthier than the 5 Big Macs they used to eat, or that the one cookie in someone's diary today (oh, that would be me!) is a VAST improvement from a year ago where they (that's me) could eat through an entire packet in an afternoon.

    So, while it's nice that you're concerned, unless someone asks for help or comments, I tend to think it's better to keep your opinions to yourself.