juggling 4 personalities

ok a little about me..I am a wife:heart: Mother of 3 girls ages 1, 3 and 5:yawn: Almost nursing student:embarassed: and work part time...And to top it off im only 21!!! I keep a marriage together. Do the best i can at parenting my girls, work, and gona start school in may..I am stessed out 99% of the time..:noway: And I am definately an emotional eater..:blushing: Anyone who has had 2 juggle this load? or any advice? Maybe we could do this together? I am tired all the time...HELP PLEASE:bigsmile:


  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    ok a little about me..I am a wife:heart: Mother of 3 girls ages 1, 3 and 5:yawn: Almost nursing student:embarassed: and work part time...And to top it off im only 21!!! I keep a marriage together. Do the best i can at parenting my girls, work, and gona start school in may..I am stessed out 99% of the time..:noway: And I am definately an emotional eater..:blushing: Anyone who has had 2 juggle this load? or any advice? Maybe we could do this together? I am tired all the time...HELP PLEASE:bigsmile:
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Oh and also, i feel as if i am getting depressed! Thanks
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member


    6 smiley faces and hearts in one paragraph is 5 too many....it drives me crazy and causes blindness in Texas and Florida

    you have alot on your mind...focus on your goal and know in your head and heart that it takes time and you can do it

    good luck and remember to have some fun
  • aprildan
    aprildan Posts: 9

    I know how you feel although I will be twice your age on Sunday. I have two kiddos (kindergarten and pre-k), a hubby, a job and a sick, elderly dad. I feel stressed most of the time and I am an emotional eater, especially sweet things. That is why I had 20+ pounds to get rid of. Here is how I did it. I fit in specific times a week that I go to the gym. I am selfish about that time. I work out as hard as I can during that time. Get my heart rate up about 80%. I use a heart rate monitor.

    I watch what I eat but I do allow myself a small amount of sweets or treats each week. I insist on knowing the calories of it before I eat it and I know how long that amount of calories takes to burn off on the treadmill. It helps me keep the portions small.

    The only way to juggle the load is to fit in the time for you somewhere. I know that I can forget about everything except sweating during my hour in the gym. As the weight came off, I felt better about me and could better handle the stress. I too thought I was getting depressed but working out has kept that in check.

    Good luck, find what works for you.

  • RXchic
    RXchic Posts: 47
    You are very young & have a lot of responsibilities. I am twice your age with 2yr old son, a husband, a Great Dane, an elderly father, a deceased mother, and a demanding job. What keeps me going is the constant reminder of my mother's early death due to obesity. I can't imagine putting my little boy thru the pain I experienced by losing a mother. You are not extremely obese - at least not like me. Are you sure you are not taking on too much?? Maybe focus on not gaining any more weight. Continue to make good food choices. Exercise is a great stress reliever and can help depression. If you don't have a doctor, get one. Rule out any medical reasons for your fatigue - get your thyroid & vitamin D levels checked. And talk to the doctor about symptoms of depression. Changes in eating & sleeping habits are indicators of depression. One of the main side effects of antidepressant drugs is weight LOSS :happy: Lastly, focus on the future. Today is only temporary... Nursing is a great career. You will not regret the time and effort. Good luck & take care.:flowerforyou:
    PS - I work in the mental health field. Contact me directly if you have questions/concerns about depression,
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I totaly understand!! I am a couple of years ahead of you on this. I only had one child, worked full time and was workking on all my prerequisites for my RN. The first tip I would give is to ask for help!! That def. helps with the stress. I also had to become an organization freak. I made a schedule for everyday of the week. I know it sounds like alot but it helped. I wouldnt forget my homework,special time with my child or even silly things like taking time to eat heathly. You also need to make sure you are getting excersize it will help with depression. At first you may feel tired but it will boost your energy once you get into a routine. Routine I caonnot stress that enough!!! It will not only help you and your body but it will help your young children aspecialy when you start the RN program. Keep up the good work and remember to take some time once a week for you. Reward yourself you deserve it!!! (not just excersize, get a pedicure, take a bath, get a massage)