Newbie with workout/injury question

New here (my real name is Chris) and hoping to make myfitnessplan part of my life.
My challenge is to get back into health/fit shape after a year of stress and injury.

Currently I am wearing a cast on left hand after reconstructive hand surgery. I can't do much of anything with that arm/hand. Have at least 12 days left and then into a splint but more mobile.

Tried walking for exercise (and to get out of house!) but hand gets so swollen with a lot of movement.

Has anyone else been in similar situation? Should I just "wait" it out until cast free and see what doc recommends (obviously no heavy weights for a bit)?
Thanks for advice!


  • Sulai22
    Sulai22 Posts: 5
    New here (my real name is Chris) and hoping to make myfitnessplan part of my life.
    My challenge is to get back into health/fit shape after a year of stress and injury.

    Currently I am wearing a cast on left hand after reconstructive hand surgery. I can't do much of anything with that arm/hand. Have at least 12 days left and then into a splint but more mobile.

    Tried walking for exercise (and to get out of house!) but hand gets so swollen with a lot of movement.

    Has anyone else been in similar situation? Should I just "wait" it out until cast free and see what doc recommends (obviously no heavy weights for a bit)?
    Thanks for advice!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Elevate your cast hand while walking. It will give your arm a workout and it will prevent it from getting swollen.