Is it expecting too much to want to lose 10 lbs a month?



  • malk2651
    malk2651 Posts: 55 Member
    I think what hasn't been said is why losing that much is unhealthy. In my case I lost 12.5 in both my first two months. The problem with that was of those 12 pounds not all of it was fat some of it was muscle. Which I believe is the main reason people are recommending not to try to go to fast, you lose the bad stuff but you also lose the good stuff.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    as long as you have at least 1250 calories a day, whatever your body can do is about as much as you can hope for. I lost 12 lbs in a month, but I have a lot to go, Just do whatever you do in a healthy way that you can be proud of and talk about when people as "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" But maybe shoot for 1.5 a week, it's a little more attainable, I hope you hit your goal!
  • bayouswampmike
    YOU CAN DO IT !!!
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 5'7 & currently 205 goal weight is 155 or so ...I'll see when I get there...I'm not crash dieting & am eating back my exercise calories which I just discovered today I am SUPPOSE to do...I always thought you were not suppose to. Anyway I am eating very well (my journal is open) & exercising.
    I just did my first month & lost 16 the first month. I remember going to weight watchers years ago & they always said you should lose about 10 lbs a month so that is what has stuck in my head. Now reading things on here I'm thinking that has changed
  • ambrstrm
    I don't think so ... so far this month I've lost 6 pounds, granted I'm not doing as much exercising as I should be. 5 pounds a week from what I've been told is the limit to what a healthy weight loss should be.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You'll always lose more the first month. I lost 20lbs in my first two months! After six months I've lost just shy of 60lbs. But I'm still 40lbs heavier than you. I don't expect it to last much longer.

    As others have said its not a race. As long as you're moving in the right direction you'll be fine.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    No, just program that in as you specify your goals and MFP will dictate how many calories you could consume to achieve that goal. It worked for me. According to my dietician, anything over 2.5 per week is concerning.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I lost 10 pounds a month for the first three months, but the rate has slowed down substantially since then. The pace was nice while it lasted - gave me some momentum, but the body has it's own rhythms and for me it wasn't sustainable to keep that pace going. It's okay though. I'll still be here however long it takes to reach my goal.
  • brookelittle
    Might I just add for everyone who is complaining about losing 10lbs per month... It is safest to lose 1-2 lbs per week... There are 4-5 weeks in each month which equals 8-10 lbs of weight loss per month... I have lost 12 lbs a month for the last 3 months and did not starve myself.. did not over excercise... I walk sometimes... I use my elliptical sometimes... mix that with a really unstable performance of P90X and cleaning the house liberally atleast twice a week and my weight is coming off!! I was a size 22 and am now a size 18 and the new pants are getting loose. Just do your best and forget the rest... My suggestion is to only set a goal on overall I started at 5"11 264lbs and I won't stop until I'm 165lbs.. When you set monthly goals you will be discouraged because we all hit a point where we will have to work harder to lose weight and at first (if your working out) you will even gain weight because the volume of muscle vs the volume of fat weighs more! Think about how small your 16oz steak is vs if you tried to scoop a pound of crisco!! Measure yourself... never give up! Have fun with it... if you get tired of walking then try dancing while you get ready for work... anything to get you moving!!! I'm no professional and I can only tell you what has worked for me. I hope this helps!
  • getalife9353
    getalife9353 Posts: 100 Member
    Depends on you.

    MFP recommends 1 lb per week and a max of 2 lb per week. I think this is a little ridicules as a 150 pound person trying to lose 2 lbs per week is a lot different than a 250 lb person trying to lose 2 lbs a week.

    A better goal would be to base it on % of your current weight. From what I have read on several websites it seems that 1% of your current body weight per week is the maximum healthy weight lose. And even this may be difficult for most people to achieve.

    So a 150 lb person losing 1% per week is going to lose about 6 lbs per month. (1.5 lb per week)
    A 250 lb person losing 1% per week is going to lose about 10 lbs per month. (2.5 lb per week)

    I’ve been averaging .8 % per week since the beginning of Dec 2011.
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    My goals sound similar to yours. I'm 5'9" and started at 220. I've been doing MFP for 35 days and I've lost 15 lbs so far. I have my weight loss set to 2 lbs per week. I try to exercise 6 days a week and I eat back by exercise cals. I find it difficult to stay under my cals if I don't. Sometimes it doesn't work out though. I have 3 little ones at home I chase all day. I do go over some days, but I think I underestimate my activity levels most of the time. I also include a sweet almost every day, skinny cows, natures best cookies. I feel like if I don't let myself have any sweets then I'll completely blow it. I know the weight loss will probably slow, but for now I really want to get down under 200 so I won't be obese anymore. I'm hoping to be at 170 by June. That's the top end of a healthy weight for me. Then we'll see where it goes from there.
  • brookelittle
    I have to eat a sweet per day too! I was told by another weight loss program that, based on my nutrional needs and the way certain food make me feel, that I was a "slow oxidizer". That basically means that I don't break down the big heavy meaty meals as well and that I process carbs better than the average person!! YAY ME! So fruit, a portioned sweet, or some sort of bread is a must for me! If you feel bloated and sleepy after a steak dinner and can't do the low carb diet without DYING (like me) then you might be in the same boat as me! Just thought I'd share!! You could probably do some research online about it if you want. I thought it was neat but you may not?
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I set a goal of 14lb in 5 weeks.... never hapened, only got 5 off! I used to lose 14 like that *click fingers*

    best of luck to you xx
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    It happened once for me. The week i began this journey. And i was eating a mere 1200 calories if i was lucky. Now im loosing between 5 and 6 pounds a week :-( my intake is now 1400 to 1600
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I have to eat a sweet per day too! I was told by another weight loss program that, based on my nutrional needs and the way certain food make me feel, that I was a "slow oxidizer". That basically means that I don't break down the big heavy meaty meals as well and that I process carbs better than the average person!! YAY ME! So fruit, a portioned sweet, or some sort of bread is a must for me! If you feel bloated and sleepy after a steak dinner and can't do the low carb diet without DYING (like me) then you might be in the same boat as me! Just thought I'd share!! You could probably do some research online about it if you want. I thought it was neat but you may not?
    me too. So thats what it is? I should get this tested so im sure. I even went vegetarian for a year and i was very happy. Im allergic to fish, dont like red meat much and can only eat chicken(it has to be the breast part).
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I've lost 15 in 5 weeks, so no 10 is not asking too much :smile:
    I lost 7lb in the first 2wks but then came on here whinging about gaining 0.5lb at my week 3 weigh in. Then I lost nothing else (except that 0.5) in week 4 (even though I was exercising and eating under 1200 every single day). Finally though (thank goodness!) everything that needed to kick in has kicked in and this morning I had lost a further 7lbs.
    All my hard work is finally paying off, and it's such a better feeling that how discouraged I was at weeks 3 & 4.
    So, what I'm trying to say, lol, is don't feel disappointed after 1 month if the scales aren't saying what you want/hope they will - it might take another week or two for the results to even out.
    Good luck!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    It happened once for me. The week i began this journey. And i was eating a mere 1200 calories if i was lucky. Now im loosing between 5 and 6 pounds a week :-( my intake is now 1400 to 1600

    5-6lbs a week & you've got a sad face?
    I'd be THRILLED!
    (What's the secret?)
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    When I first started I lost about 10 pounds a month. But I was VERY overweight. Now I am lucky to lose 4.
    So I think it really depends on how much you have to lose.

    Ditto ... my early weight loss was 2+ lbs a week for the first 20 ... it has now slowed down to .5 - 1 lb a week, which is okay with me. Just remember, this is not a race and it didn't get ON your body in a week, so it's not all going to come off in a week.
  • hannata86
    I would say its possible in the first month, but after that it does settle into a normal pattern. I personally think most people would be hard pushed to lose 2lb a week every single week. Human bodies don't work that way...