My poor, wimpy post-nursing boobies...

Hey, mamas!

So in the last 3 years I went from a 34C to a 36G (really!), back to 34C-ish, back up to 36E, and now I'm down to a 35 not-quite-a C cup. Is there anything I can do to pick 'em up off the floor a little bit? :wink: I have 2 kids under 3, I'm just not ready to look like it!


  • jb140
    jb140 Posts: 29
    Oh man, do I know what you're going thru.
    Both your kids are under the age of it's not been very long ago that you were nursing them.

    Mine kids are now 16 and 13. All I can say is that it does get better..but it takes time. I know thats not the quick fix ya wanted to hear.

    Human skin takes months, maybe a couple of years to retract...depending on how long of a time they spent being a size G.

    Support them...literally. Keep a good bra on at all times to prevent gravity from working against you. Might even want to wear it to bed.

    And Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Water is great for the elasticity of your skin. (have you ever seen the back of an old, dehydrated lady's hand...kind of pinches up a just stays that way??)

    And a little cocoa butter never hurt anybody :blushing:
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Building the peck muscles under your breasts will help. Chest flies, etc. Just google or youtube some exercises.
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Just join the after losing weight mine are tiny saggy boobs lol...Ahhh these kids! I only have the one now so hats off to you girlfriend for the two under 3! Mine turns 3 end of April.
  • stephanielindley422
    HAHAHA. I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs this...I call mine national geographic boobs...because they look like something off the cover of it w/o a bra on....and I'm only 24 :/. There's nothing you can do to firm your actual boobs...they are mostly fat, but you can firm the muscles under them, and I'm told that will help. :)
  • mfrannie
    My friends and I call our post-nursing boobs "rocks in socks". I don't know of anyone who has nursed and had "normal" boobs again afterward. Part of being a mom.
  • rachelcschmidt
    Mine turn 3 in may and 1 in march; I just quit nursing a few weeks ago. I feel like I'm happy with the weight loss journey and I'm lucky to have no stretch marks on my belly, but my boobs took a huge hit! I told my husband by the time he gets to have 'em back he's not going to want them anymore, lol! chest flies are a good idea. I'm definitely planning to spend a small fortune on some pretty bras with some support. I know I'll never wear the built-in tank top bras again!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    chest exercises such as the modified push-up!