insanity useless???

Hi, ive been doing insanity for 2 weeks and havent lost any weight. I have been eating reletively healthy meals and cutting back more than usual. My weight wont budge and its so frustrating. Tomorrow is my second fit test, but im thinking og giving up whats the point in working so hard if im gonna get nowhere. So sick of being fat! After my first baby i lost 90 pounds doing goodlife classes like body pump and attack, then when i got pregnant i gained most of it back again. My second baby is 7 months now, all i lost was the baby weight like 30 pounds or so. Now i cant lose anymore weight im going crazy. Its so hard. I quit goolife cuz i bougt a livestrong treadmill and a homegym, and i ran for 2 weeks without losing any weight and now insanity 2 weeks and also no weight loss... Someone please help me.


  • jenny1350
    HAve you had your blood work checked? Your Thyroid could be out of wack and preventing from losing weight. Also, you may want to get a personal trainer to look over your food log and your activity... maybe they can you some pointers.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    According to your ticker, you only have 6 pounds to lose, right? It takes a lot more time to lose those last few pounds than it would someone with much more to lose. I recommend changing your settings to lose 1/2 lb per week. You may not be eating enough, or you might be eating too much...if you feel comfortable, you could open your diary to us and we could help you out!

    I don't know what Insanity is, but if it's a workout, it's not useless. You are most likely retaining water.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    Have you done your measurements? I did 30DS all through January and only lost 1lb on the scales, and I was eating back my exercise calories. BUT my clothes are so much loser, I keep finding 'muscles' where I didn't have any before (I'm not saying I 'gained' loads of muscle or anything, but I guess I removed a little of the fat that was on top of them) and I went down a whole jean size (from a UK 22 to a UK 20). So don't just concentrate on the scales. Also, exercise is so good for your heart and your mental well being as well as the weight loss benefits. I don't believe that any safe exercise is useless.

    Good luck.
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    May I ask what is your net caloric intake? You want to make sure you're not netting too low after exercise, especially with that intensity. I think the above poster's recommendation for lab work is a really, really good idea. Thyroid or other issues can cause incredible problems that can get worse in the absence of other symptoms.
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    You said you have been cutting back on food? Are you counting calories? Are you taking measurements? If so, and still nothing, I agree call your dr.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Oh don't give up.....I'm sure your body is didn't gain it over night, so you wont lose it then either!
    Your body is probably retaining water.....keep going your doing great!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Most people don't see weight loss in Insanity until month 2... sides it's all in the measurements :D
  • healthyJenn0915
    Don't give up. I didn't loose a whlole lot of weight when I did it the first time around, and really haven't lost much my second time around, but the inches are dropping, and my clothes fit comnpletely different. I say stick with it! You will get results at the end. Maybe not not on the scale, but in your body in genereal. Good luck!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I've done Insanity twice now. My first round I lost 10 pounds! It does work, for sure! Stick with it. You'll see improvements in all areas; strength, stamina, endurance... Be sure you take measurements and before & after pics, too. I only weighed myself at the very beginning and then again after the 60 days, so I don't know if anything happened in the first couple weeks. But by the end, my before and after pics showed an amazing change that I didn't feel, or see just by looking at myself in the mirror. Hang in there, doll! Focus on being healthy. The rest will come with time. :)
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Just Googled Insanity, and I say, stick with it! It looks like a fantastic workout. Definitely take your measurements because you'll see results there before you'll see them on the scale (and isn't that the point -- to be smaller?).

    I do plyometrics several times a week ontop of my usual routine. It's a hard workout, and your muscles will be tearing, swelling with water (hence the "not losing" scale weight), and will need to repair themselves. Make sure you have plenty of protein in your diet -- aim for over 100g.

    On days you feel like giving up, come here and start reading. Look at Christine1110 (just a few posters above me) who lost 74 FREAKING POUNDS!! Guaranteed there were times she wanted to give up because she wasn't seeing the results she wanted, but look at what sticking to it can do for you. (INSANE job, Christine!)
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    hey, Thanks for the motivation. I do plyometrics too thats part of insanity. I am going to stick with it and see how it goes
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I never thought of that, but if this problem keeps going i will take your advice. thanks
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    thanks alot, i will stick with it and maybe the weight will go off in the second month. Good for you to have done it twice
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I did my measurements and only lost like 1 inch of waist and hips.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Don't excpect to lose any weight at least the first 30 days. Its working, the scale is just a big fat liar cause it has no idea what that weight is from. Your body will hold lots more water working out hard. Take measurements too!
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    Measurements and healthy eating!! relatively healthy probably won't be enough- esp if the fat you wanna lose is your tummy area. Stick with it and I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. We all get frustrated, (lol I swear to gosh, my weight hardly ever budges but my body is clearly changing) but the hard work pays off.
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    YES! I am a long distance runner (first full marathon in April). I started insanity in January and it's just the same repetitive circuits over and over again and I did not see any "gain" from it. I know it's good if you are looking for a strong cardio sweat - but I get SO MUCH of that already with my running training schedule. I would NOT recommend insanity if you are trying to see real definition after a long 60 days. I would hit the weights at the gym instead (which I have done).
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Sorry guys I'm new to this and didn't know i had to click quote to reply specifically and now it won't let me fix it. But here it is, today i woke up and weighed myself and did lose a pound at least, so i do think it was water weight like you've suggested. I was upset because each day i weighed myself i kept going up a few pounds, but now im back down a bit so temporarily happy. Also my caloric intake i guess maybe was set too high, it was 1480, and then id add the calories id burn from an insanity workout (about 550 each workout) and i was still going over a bit with lots of protein left. Insanity reccommends to do 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat. Ive been going way over on my carbs and way below on protein. I have been eating late at night cuz im hungry. I bought that whey protein stuff yesterday and tried some yesterday and it made me very full at night so i didnt have to eat alot. Also i just figured out i can subtract an additional 350 cals a day because of breastfeeding. And i changed my activity from active to sedenetry (not sure of spelling) so that i can eat less. Im a stay at home mom of 2 so i do move around alot but not that much, plus im doing insanity. Insanity recommends to put it very active or Active while taking part in the program, but i dont think so. Thanks everyone for your replys
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    YES! I am a long distance runner (first full marathon in April). I started insanity in January and it's just the same repetitive circuits over and over again and I did not see any "gain" from it. I know it's good if you are looking for a strong cardio sweat - but I get SO MUCH of that already with my running training schedule. I would NOT recommend insanity if you are trying to see real definition after a long 60 days. I would hit the weights at the gym instead (which I have done).
    LOL i didn't expect anyone to agree with me!! I must combine it with other stuff i don't think its enough.:laugh:
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    are you doing insanity with the calendar? or just skipping around and doing what you want?

    insanity gets your heart rate up, it does exactly as its supposed to if you are making the effort to push through the workouts as hard as you can.

    if you only have a few pounds to lose... good luck..

    its easier for someone with a high body fat percentage to lose weight than someone without much fat. juts dont give up, cardio workouts are never useless. even if you dont see results, you will feel better as you move through the program.