Weight Loss Pills?

Just wondering if anyone of you guys have used weight loss pills that actually worked? Not looking to use them, just curious. And no I don't need to be preached at about using them!


  • melrose09
    Never used them. Those things scare the bajeesus out of me. I'm really sensitive to anything that can increase heart rate though. I've never heard a good thing about them, though
  • cdickinson607
    cdickinson607 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes I have used Adapex. It worked really well for me. You can not stay on it for long periods of time because you get used to them. They helped curb my appetite and gave me more energy. I lost 50 lbs when i was on them a year and a half ago. I have kept the weight off except for a few lbs here or there. They were prescribed to me by a doctor and i went into be check every week for my blood pressure and pulse. I think they are safe if you are monitored and it helped to motivate me. But everyone is different.
  • RyanEParker
    I believe some of them work however the vast majority of those that you can buy without prescription don't work too well. The good ones need to be prescribed by the doctor. Those are effective. I would however try to lose weight properly. Get a program and stick with it for some time. Some programs out there are great in that they help you to re-train the mind so you won't have such a hard time with dieting and exercising.


    Ryan Parker
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I haven't, I know a few who have. My general response.....

    Sending the adrenals into a fight or flight response for the sake of freeing up triglycerides is a no no. There's more than one way to skin a cat, some are just safer and more efficient than others. Of course, people feel great since they have a doctor along for the ride. It's just another money making scheme to tug at peoples pockets via the emotional pursestring from social stigma/disorder. Heaven forbid you only lose a pound a week and eat more real food.
