Pregnant, wedding booked and Worried about my weight!

Hi all,

I'm pregnant but concerned that I really canot afford to put much weight on during my pregnancy so, although people say you shuoldn't necessarily diet during pregnancy, I do want to watch what I eat so I dont pile the weight on!

It would be nice to have a few friends who are in the same boat or who have been though it to motivate and encourage me. I'm getting married a year in June too so after giving birth am going to have to really watch what I eat to lose weight for my wedding. I am large and am determined to get back to my confortable size 16/18 for my wedding.



  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    I think the conventional wisdom is that you must gain weight during your pregnancy, but I do not think that has to be true in all cases. If you work closely with your healthcare professionals, you may be able to make your body healthier while nourishing that baby! I can't think of a better goal than to want to be healthier for baby!

    While I was pregnant with my second child, I became ill with food poisoning and lost quite a bit of weight. I was really scared that I was harming the baby, but he was almost 9 lbs when he was born. Now I know your case is different, but I do think that my body made sure that baby was nourished even though I was not eating well.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    im a specialist personal trainer in pre and postnatal exercise. during pregnancy you only really need to gain between 10 - 12kgs so up to about 25lbs. exercising during pregnancy is fine, just make sure you are walking not runing and not using a gradient as your balance is off.... and any feelings of faitness stop.

    also you only really need to consume an additional 300calories a day during pregnancy.

    oh and the good part is once the baby pops out thats an instant 5-11lbs gone :)

    if you need any indepth proper advice im always happy to help etc!

    oh and not forgetting CONGRATSSSS :)
  • KSC811
    KSC811 Posts: 56
    if you are overweight you still gain weight but don't need to gain as much, according to WebMd, overweight woman should gain 15-25 lbs. it also says, "You may need to gain more or less weight, depending on what your health care provider recommends".
  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    My advice (after starting at a healthy weight, then gaining more than 50 pounds with my first two babies) would be to eat well, healthy, and eat when you're hungry. Yes, eat what you have a craving for, but if you crave cheese cake, have one slice, not three or four like I did. I gained WAY too much weight (I'm only 5'4") with my first two kids, and my body punished me for it. I still had 15 pounds hanging on when I got pregnant with my third child, and I said "Not this time!" What I did differently was join a gym to make sure I got my cardio in (doing low-impact aerobics and stationary bike, mostly just to get moving). I still had a high-stress, sedentary job, but I made sure to bring my own healthy snacks to work and not eat out all the time and eat all the candy and crap that was available from the machines at work. The other thing I did was only take one serving of dessert. Seems like a no-brainer, but when you're pregnant your tastebuds actually become more acute (which is why some things make you gag, and some things taste like heaven). So I had to be intentional and just take one serving and walk away and savour it slowly.

    Drink tons of water! And by all means, make sure there is protein in your snacks because that will keep you feeling full and give your babe lots of good fuel! My lifesaver going through the nausea stage was popcorn--plain ole air-popped no salt popcorn, because for me the only thing that kept me from barfing was a full stomach. Popcorn is nice and filling and low calories and fairly easy to find.

    Oh yes, and with my third I gained only 30 pounds, felt SO much better even chasing after two little ones, and I was able to enjoy it more because my skeleton didn't hurt ALL THE TIME like it had with my second. She's seven months old now, and I've lost the preggo weight and am starting to chip away at what was left from #2....I'm now thinner than I have been for three years! Breastfeeding is my secret,'s a lovely gift for bonding with your baby and not stressing over the constant cleaning and sterilizing of bottles and formula and nipples, and it burns 500 calories a day! But I love breastfeeding anyway.....with my firstborn I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to lose the weight. Just breastfed and took him for walks whenever the weather was nice--but I also didn't have a car so I made sure that I walked to the grocery store or bank or library or somewhere everyday. It was good for both of us!

    Good luck! And most of all, enjoy the pregnancy.
  • sibbets37
    Thanks to everyone and what great advice! Its nice to know that some thought has been given to the weight of pregnant woman. The fact of the matter I am going to gain up to 2 stone terrifies me but your comments and point taken amyy that A significant proportion of that will go at birth. Then just over a stone doeasnt sound so bad.

    I'm half way through my pregnany this friday so 20 weeks and have been really feeling it but so have my pregnant friend and they dont have the battle with their weight. I weighed myself yesterday and I've gained 3lb since I fell pregnant (Which I feel is a miracle in itself wince I have been eating relatively normal and have had no morning sickness!). This weigh in spurred me on to try again with fitness pal and if nothing else, just monitor what I am eating through the site without dieting as such.

    It is inspiring to me that other woman have had the same issues and makes me feel so much more positive about the next 20 weeks. I think I just need to get over the fact that I am going to gain weight, enjoy the rest of my pregnancy and be sensible.

    The one thing this site is lacking is such advice and I have fed that back however its great to know that people using the site are able to give their advice.

    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply x