Introducing Myself

Hi there!! My name is Karen. I just joined "my fitness pal" before Christmas. This is such an exciting site!! Thank you so much for providing it to us. I'm looking forward to "finding me again"....Stay strong everyone!! :o)


  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Welcome Karen.

    I've recently joined myself and from what I see, there's a great support community here and many many inspiring success stories.
  • Thank you Craig. I agree with you ..there is a great support system on line here. I have to learn to be more technologically advanced a bit so I can take advantage of everything they have to offer. I just happened (by fluke) to find your message here. I'll have to figure out what I clicked *laughing*. Anyway, welcome to you as well! :o) I wish you all the best in your endeavours and I'm sure you'll meet your goal.