
When making a recipe from scratch that doesn't tell you serving sizes how do you figure it out? I always have a hard time with this, and never know exactly how many a recipe should serve.
I started some Vegetable Beef & Barley Soup in the crock pot last night, the serving size of each ingredient ranged from 4-9. I guesstimated that it will serve 12. I have no idea if this is accurate or not. Sometimes I'll weigh a meal after cooking and base serving size off that, but it's kinda of a pain to do esp. when we're talking about a huge pot of soup.


  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Are you using the Recipe feature? It's in the submenu under Food.

    If not, you should give it a try. You enter all the ingredients you used (total amounts, not per serving) then specify how many servings it is, and it calculates the per serving amounts. I'm in the habit now of putting the serving size in the recipe name so I don't have to figure it out each time.

    Soups are the easiest to figure out because if a recipe makes 4 quarts, then 8 servings would be 2 cups each.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Use the recipe feature and decide how much you want one serving of the finished product to be. It'll do the math based on what you entered for ingredients.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I always count out how many scoops/ ladles/ spoonfuls there are and enter each one as a serving under the recipe feature. Then when I enter it for a meal, I put in how many ladles or cups or whatever I had.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I do use the recipe feature, I was just trying to figure out a way to know the actual serving without guessing. If I make a large pot of soup and guess that it serves 12, but once we eat it and it only served 10 then my figures are wrong. Yes I know for next time, but I really try to accurately track my intake. I didn't know if there was a proper way to do the serving.