Been around

Hello All,

I would love to have some new friends here, I've been using myfitnesspal since last year, I've lost 30 lbs but have gained 7 lbs back :cry: Need some motivation to get me going again...My goal was to lose 30 more lbs by my 40th Birthday (April 28th), but it doesn't look like I'm going to make it.

Thanks for reading, please add me.


  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    Hello! I think it is awesome that you lost 23 pounds! You may not lose 30 more by the time your 40th rolls around, but it sure would be cool to see how many you CAN never know what might happen!
  • Nana0307
    Nana0307 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, I'm going to give it my best shot...
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Add me, lots of support will get you there! My trainer moved me to clean eating and weight has been melting off!