

  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    You can't outwork a bad diet, if your diet is crap then month 1 or month 2 insanity will not make a difference. If you are truly eating 1000 calories a day and working out hard with the Insanity program then I would ask if you weigh and track everything you eat? While I agree with the general opinion that you are not eating enough the fact could be that you are not tracking accurately and you are in fact counting your calories at 1000 but in reality you are eating a lot more than that.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    Tonight I start the first day of Month 2. I have lost about 7 pounds doing insanity. For me that is quite a bit, however, I am overweight and not very fit at all. I think it was shock to my body. After the first week, I had lost 4 lbs, and then it was about a pound a week after that.
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    1000 calories is not enough food to stay healthy without working out at all! adding insanity to a 1000 calorie diet is insane in it self. your health should always come before your diet. also remember, keep track of what your eating. remember some sandwiches from fast food restaurants can contain 1000 calories. i recomend you raise your caloric intake by using the Harris Benedict Equation in the insanity book. your body is probably in starvation mode right now. be safe and stay motivated :)

    i lost 130lbs in a year span eating mcdonalds almost everyday.... its all about choosing the right meal, small portions and eating lots of times.
  • wsogden87
    wsogden87 Posts: 23 Member
    1000 calories is not enough food to stay healthy without working out at all! adding insanity to a 1000 calorie diet is insane in it self. your health should always come before your diet. also remember, keep track of what your eating. remember some sandwiches from fast food restaurants can contain 1000 calories. i recomend you raise your caloric intake by using the Harris Benedict Equation in the insanity book. your body is probably in starvation mode right now. be safe and stay motivated :)

    i lost 130lbs in a year span eating mcdonalds almost everyday.... its all about choosing the right meal, small portions and eating lots of times.

    mcdonalds everyday?.... sounds like my kind of diet!! :))